A Few Dollars More

So Obama is asking to spend $50 billion more to get the economy going. So I guess the last trillion he spent didn’t do anything, but this next $50 billion is totally going to fix the economy. So who is actually dumb enough to believe Obama any idea whatsoever of how to help the economy? I think much more disturbing than the number of people who think Obama is Muslim is the number of people who still think he’s competent.

This is why we need the “Party of No” in power — or better yet, the Party of “Shut up, stupid!” If the Republicans controlled both the House and Senate, then anytime Obama proposed some idiotic new idea, the Republicans would just say, “Shut up, stupid!” and that would be the end of it. I don’t know why Democrats thought branding the Republicans the “Party of No” would hurt them. Doing nothing doesn’t cost anything.


  1. I guess that extra 5% is just what we needed. Why couldn’t he see this before?! You can’t just stop 4.76% short – this is the economy of the USA we’re talking about!

    Obama wants ninjas. So he’s trying to make the US like Japan. This is his plan.

    Though I’d thought it’d be cheaper to just hire some from over there. Not like they’re doing anything right now. Probably get them for a lot cheaper than $1.05 TRILLION.

  2. Allow me to channel the President for a moment.

    Ouch, I shouldn’t bang my head into a door repeatedly.

    Ouch, I shouldn’t bang my head into a door repeatedly.

    Ouch, I shouldn’t bang my head into a door repeatedly.

    Ouch, I shouldn’t bang my head into a door repeatedly.

    Ouch, I shouldn’t bang my head into a door repeatedly.

    Ouch, I shouldn’t bang my head into a door repeatedly.

  3. There is nothing in this bizzaro world that a few billion won’t fix. What the hell, let’s throw a trillion, or a septillion or a gazillion or even a bazillion at it! It’s only our money and we can always pay more to our great and glorious leader, may he live forever!

  4. Well, surprisingly, a trillion dollars spent to pay off democrat donors and supporters didn’t stimulate the economy. However, this 50 billion dollars spent to pay off democrat donors and supporters might.

  5. Well you see, for those of us who have worked in grocery stores this is not a surprising turn of events. It goes along with all those folks who, over their years, used welfare checks and visions cards to by filet, lobster and shrimp while the people actually working for a living buy ground beef, hot dogs and store brand cheese. After all why pay for what you need as opposed to what you want. When the money runs out just hit up “uncle sugar” and away you go.

    And for those about to pull the R card. This behavior knows no color, just a lack of character, integrity and self control.

  6. I will look forward to a few months from now when this did nothing his fanclub and Soros trolls all over you tube and political websites how Obama really wanted it to be 75billion and it would have worked super awesome magic but that republicans kept it down to 50billion so it was just waste of money that did not work anything at all.

  7. “Obama’s debt is now greater than all borrowed from Washington to Reagan COMBINED.”
    Well, ya know, he needs to get a start on HW before the midterms if he has a hope of catching Clinton and W by 2012!

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