Vroom! Vroom! Death from Above!

It’s not quite a dinosaur with rocket launchers on it, but it still looks fun: A flying Humvee!

Die from our awesomeness!

People worry about the carbon footprints of Humvees on land, but now they’re going to leave even bigger carbon footprints in the sky! While shooting people! The only way to make them better would be to have them transform into giant robots when they land and start punching holes through buildings.

In other news the Taliban has unveiled their newest military innovation: Duct taping flashlight to their AK-47s.


  1. That’s way too awesome and lethal for the Obama administration to build! Remember they shut down the Raptor! The most awesome airplane ever to exist! When we elect Sarah Palin, however she will demand that every police department in the land have at least two of these minimum by Presidential Special Order! She will have one built for herself also for Moose Blastin!

  2. I want one. But we won’t get them until after bHo. Too scary looking for him.

    This is one of thise “I know what I am doing after I win the lottery “things. And paint big pointy dinosaur teeth on the front.

  3. The Russians have stolen produced their own version! It is similar to ours, but cheaper. It also explodes more often, hopefully killing any terrorists nearby (Along with the crew of the vehicle, of course).

  4. In other news the Taliban has unveiled their newest military innovation: Duct taping flashlight to their AK-47s.

    Actually, the Taliban stole that technology from some really bad action movies from the 80’s. They finally got a VCR so they could watch all the tapes they have.

  5. I predict that organizations like The Brady Campaign to Prevent Guns will wet their pants when they see these vehicles and try to have laws passed that

    only properly trained military personnel should be allowed to possess them. – Similar to their fear of “Evil Black Rifles”.

  6. Oooohhhh, look at the scary flying jeep! Ooohhhh, I’m all scared. Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang is going to get us.

    If you’re gonna make something fly, make it a tank.

    Now a flying tank would be awesome and think of the footprint! (Think of the footprint filled with dead jihadis as it lands on them).

  7. It took them 20 years to get the Osprey (takes off like a helicopter, flies like a plane) working reliably, I imagine the flying jeep will go through many changes before it sees deployment.
    Maybe flying robots that do all the dirty work while the crew in the armored car hangs back and eats hot-pockets while directing the carnage by remote control will be the wave of the future?
    With zero casualty counts on our side, the public would never grow war-weary, our war material factories would run 24/7, and we wouldn’t have to stop fighting while there was anyone left on Earth who still dared to look at us funny!

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