What to Do with KSM?

Obama may not give Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a trial at all. Everyone is against his really dumb idea to try him in New York, and he doesn’t want to go back on what he said and give KSM a military trial. So no trial and just continued indefinite detention for KSM.

Now, I’m not going to care one wit about KSM’s civil rights (my least kind of rights), but we do have to follow the Constitution here. If we are unable to give a detainee a trial, then the procedures for that are quite clear. KSM needs to be put in a room with two doors. He will be told that one door leads to his freedom and that the other door contains a hungry tiger that’s also coked out of its mind. KSM is then instructed to choose one door. After he agonizes over the decision for a while, he’ll try to open one door but will be unable because they’re both locked. And when he’s struggling with the doorknob, we drop a bowling ball on his head.

Hey, it’s in the Constitution. Near the middle.

Highlights from Sarah Palin’s Alaska

I watched Sarah Palin’s Alaska last night. It’s an important show, because it involves Sarah Palin, who will be the Republican presidential nominee, and there is pretty much nothing anyone can do to stop it. Also, it had pretty scenery of Alaska in HD.

Buttercup watched the show with me. She enjoyed its brightness and colors.

It was a fun show. Here are the highlights:

* Sarah Palin proved once and for all you can see Russia from Alaska by going to the shore of Alaska, aiming across the water with a sniper rifle, and firing off a few rounds. She then turned on the TV and got a Russian station reporting that Russians should be wary of recent sniper attacks.

* Palin really wanted to try something new for the first show, so she shot wolves from a hang glider.

* Palin introduced everyone to her army of mutant abominable snowmen she has been working on to take over the mainland if democratic processes don’t go her way.

* When the cameras were at her house, the show was constantly being interrupted anytime they saw their neighbor with Palin shouting, “Shoot him in the knees!” and all the Palins pulling out guns and opening fire.

* A fishing trip was cut short when the Palins had to drop everything to fight back against the AT-AT walkers that were trying to destroy their shield generator.

* Palin ran into a real mama grizzly and killed it with her bare hands… despite it begging for its life.

* Palin is pretty blatant about all the violent crimes she’s committed, as the U.S. and Alaska don’t have very good extradition agreements.

* With all the awful things Palin says about her arch-nemesis, the moose, you almost want to say she’s racist.

* Palin showed off the Thunderdome where they watch gladiatorial combat on weekends. It’s not illegal in Alaska since it’s too far north for U.S. laws to apply there.

* It was quite an exciting end to the first episode when Palin went to the middle of the woods and turned to the cameraman and said, “Now I hunt you!”

What was your favorite part of the show?

The Reality Noise-Machine

I have a new Pajamas Media column on that big noisy thing that’s always shouting down liberal ideas: reality.

Random Thoughts

When things are at their darkest, sometimes the only thing that keeps me going despite all the troubles is my constant whining.

So how long until we hear Democrats whining about how Alan West threatened to shoot them to get vote a certain way on a bill?

I’m finally going to give in and google what the hey this QE2 thing is.

No, that didn’t work. Eyes glazed over before I could find an answer.

I think QE2 is bad… but don’t shoot it with a shotgun based on my vague understanding.

Nice thing about iPad: Can be used while walking around. So it’s good for a baby who cries every time you sit.

The game Minecraft is addictive. This is probably the last you’ll hear from me for a while.

Sarah Palin’s family is so precious. Let’s put her in charge of the country.

Sarah Palin can do it all

What can Sarah Palin do?

The better question is: What can Sarah Palin not do?

I discovered just how talented and versatile she is. She can quarterback Auburn University.

No, really. Look:

Source: Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

It surprised me, to say the least.

With her leading Auburn on the gridiron, I suspect she’s completely lost all the Boise State and Texas Christian fans. All 20 of them.

Nancy Pelosi: It wasn’t my fault

I’ve been reading that Nancy Pelosi says the recent Democrat losses in the House of Representatives weren’t her fault.

It sort of reminded me of Jake’s excuses in The Blues Brothers:

What does it remind you of?