Highlights from Sarah Palin’s Alaska

I watched Sarah Palin’s Alaska last night. It’s an important show, because it involves Sarah Palin, who will be the Republican presidential nominee, and there is pretty much nothing anyone can do to stop it. Also, it had pretty scenery of Alaska in HD.

Buttercup watched the show with me. She enjoyed its brightness and colors.

It was a fun show. Here are the highlights:

* Sarah Palin proved once and for all you can see Russia from Alaska by going to the shore of Alaska, aiming across the water with a sniper rifle, and firing off a few rounds. She then turned on the TV and got a Russian station reporting that Russians should be wary of recent sniper attacks.

* Palin really wanted to try something new for the first show, so she shot wolves from a hang glider.

* Palin introduced everyone to her army of mutant abominable snowmen she has been working on to take over the mainland if democratic processes don’t go her way.

* When the cameras were at her house, the show was constantly being interrupted anytime they saw their neighbor with Palin shouting, “Shoot him in the knees!” and all the Palins pulling out guns and opening fire.

* A fishing trip was cut short when the Palins had to drop everything to fight back against the AT-AT walkers that were trying to destroy their shield generator.

* Palin ran into a real mama grizzly and killed it with her bare hands… despite it begging for its life.

* Palin is pretty blatant about all the violent crimes she’s committed, as the U.S. and Alaska don’t have very good extradition agreements.

* With all the awful things Palin says about her arch-nemesis, the moose, you almost want to say she’s racist.

* Palin showed off the Thunderdome where they watch gladiatorial combat on weekends. It’s not illegal in Alaska since it’s too far north for U.S. laws to apply there.

* It was quite an exciting end to the first episode when Palin went to the middle of the woods and turned to the cameraman and said, “Now I hunt you!”

What was your favorite part of the show?


  1. This is totally wicked. It’s “In My World” meets “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.” I don’t really want her to be President (mostly because I think the President shouldn’t be a rogue-type), but if she were, the “In My World” entries would be freakin’ awesome.

  2. I like the picture of Frank and the next best president ever in his lap.

    My favotite part of Sarah Palin’s Alaska was when she single handedly shot down those incoming ruskie missiles out of the air with her moose rifle while feeding Trig.

    Buttercup looks intrigued. She officailly has a longer attention span than the sitting president.

  3. I like when she had her Annual mama Grizzly picnic with all the other mama Grizzlies and no one got hurt, because all their cubs were at home with a sitter…..who unfortunately got torn to pieces when the Mama Grizzlies returned. Yep the sitter didn’t step to the side and got in between them….what a rookie.

    You also might want to be careful letting Buttercup watch shows with Grizzlies in it, she might learn to roar before she learns to talk. Although I guess if she could talk to Grizzlies that would be pretty cool too but probably a dangerous conversation. Something tells me that Grizzlies are just in general kinda violent.

  4. I loved the part when Sarah killed and proceded to eat said grizzly. I hear grizzlies taste like bear. Or chicken. I also enjoyed the 50,000 gallons of toxic waste she dumped in the river. None of this mamby-pamby land concern for the wild! If you wildlifes don’t like toxic waste then move to another river, you jackwagons!

    That Sarah is an anazing shot, isn’t she? Taking out all those wolves from a hand glider, man, she’s awesome!

  5. “…it involves Sarah Palin who will be the Republicans presidential nominee and there is pretty much nothing anyone can do to stop it.”

    I’m not seeing a problem with that…unless, you’re wanting John McCain or Huckabee to take another shot at it?

  6. I liked the part where Sarah got out a drill and drilled for oil and produced her own gusher! Then she said something about drill baby drill and I thought to myself, she just said “drill” and I got a woodie! That was pretty cool!

    Seeing Buttercup watching Sarah Palin is like totally awesome! Keep sharp ma’ boy! A picture of Pelosi, Hillary or Big Sis could pop on-screen at any minute and scar the young las for the rest of her life!

  7. It’s a behbeh!!1!! What a cute tyke. (That’s short for tycoon.)

    I dinna get to see Sarahs’ show. What’s it on, Discovery channel? I haven’t turned on my TV since….what’s today, Monday? Monday, Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday…..a year.

  8. * She encountered a large pack of Wolverines but instead of attacking her they stood up at attention and sang the Star Spangled Banner – in harmony. ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪

    * She discovered the headwaters of the great Alaskan Tea River and had a party. No, not with tea, you liberal-leaning jackwagon!! Beer!! (Oh, come on, you know the woman can pack it down!)

    * I loved it when she referred to the 48 contiguous states as “Namby Pamby Land.”

    * Just then she ran into R. Lee Ermey and he was oddly speechless.

    (Actually, I didn’t see it. I shot my television long ago.)

  9. Oh Frank, don’t think we didn’t notice the clever way you tried to hide with your hands the fact the adorable Buttercup is wearing a new Nuke The Moon baby outfit. Now I want one! WAAAAAH!

  10. We have seen plenty of pictures of Frnak over the years. I am just glad he is now fully clothed and showing off Buttercup. The 2007 banana hammock on the hood of his Prius series was a little much.

  11. Buttercup is thinking “Dude, it’s Sarah Palin and you still have your laptop open!” “My daddy is such a dweeb but at least I’m in his lap and his nads aren’t roasting right now!”

  12. My favorite part of the show was when she told the slacker kid that he wasn’t allowed to follow Willow up to her room…. she even told him that this was a “noooooo boys” area, but he didn’t listen…. and how he was eaten by the pet bears she keeps trained to attack when they smell the Y chromosome. She definitely learned her lesson with the first daughter.

    The previews of the next episode flashed by very fast, so I couldn’t tell. Was that Levi Johnston she was shooting at from that helicopter? Or was it the state trooper who tased her nephew?

  13. Buttercup is thinking…..”this show is great but what the hell kinda shirt is my Dad wearing….someone stop the camera…..looking a little Peter Parker/Tobey Macguirish”

    “My friends at the Really Young Republicans are gonna kill me over this”

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