Random Thoughts

When things are at their darkest, sometimes the only thing that keeps me going despite all the troubles is my constant whining.

So how long until we hear Democrats whining about how Alan West threatened to shoot them to get vote a certain way on a bill?

I’m finally going to give in and google what the hey this QE2 thing is.

No, that didn’t work. Eyes glazed over before I could find an answer.

I think QE2 is bad… but don’t shoot it with a shotgun based on my vague understanding.

Nice thing about iPad: Can be used while walking around. So it’s good for a baby who cries every time you sit.

The game Minecraft is addictive. This is probably the last you’ll hear from me for a while.

Sarah Palin’s family is so precious. Let’s put her in charge of the country.


  1. “Sarah Palin’s family is so precious. Let’s put her in charge of the country.”

    That cuts it! I have called your boss and you have been temporarily suspended or actually re-assigned. You shall immediately report to the Boise International (snicker) Airport where you shall assume your duties as Chief Nad and Anal Inspector for the TSA! $7.50 per hour and you have the opportunity to work your way up to Breast Inspector after several years of continuous on-the-job training! Rubber Gloves are provided!

  2. We could use a little Alan Wes tin congress about right now.

    QE2 is docked in san Diego. Whats the big deal? Oh, never mind. THIS QE2 is a bigger deal, and won’t float.

    Bernanke and Krugman look like they just left a Karl Marx fan party.

    Would you rather watch Palin or Obooboo’s familys? But you point is well taken.

    I won’t be satisified about Palin’s qualifications until she face punches a hippie.

  3. # ussjimmycarter says:
    I have called your boss and you have been temporarily suspended or actually re-assigned. You shall immediately report to the Boise International (snicker) Airport where you shall assume your duties as Chief Nad and Anal Inspector for the TSA! $7.50 per hour.

    Heeeey. What gives? That was my job, USSJC. And the TSA was making me pay them $7.50 per hour to do it.

  4. I’m looking forward to my day in court. I’m looking forward to my day in court. I’m looking forward to my day in court. I’m looking forward to my day in court. I’m looking forward to my day in court. I’m looking forward to my day in court. I’m looking forward to my day in court. What it’s finally my day in court? Screw you I’m out of here…..Charlie Rangel, no longer wanting my day in court, Washington DC.

  5. The QE2 is bad. I mean, who wants to get on some damn boat with no power and toilets that won’t flush and take days to get somewhere when you can hop on a perfectly good Boeing 777 or Airbus A330 and get there in hours after a routine pat down and grope from the TSA? And what’s this “same sex patdown” bit? How about allowing me to pick a good looking babe from the line to pat me down? In private. I promise not to bite her…too much. You’d think I wouldn’t to point such obvious things at this stage…

  6. I must be missing something as to why that game is addictive. It looked kinda boring to be honest with you. You ride on some tracks down to the end of the tracks then have to walk back…. Did you make that track? I think I would make the track continuous because I get tired even pretending to walk up stairs. Especially if I’m carrying mine cart.

  7. “So how long until we hear Democrats whining about how Alan West threatened to shoot them to get vote a certain way on a bill?”

    The hell with Allen West, what we need is Adam West. Bow! Boff! Socko! Wham! followed by a little dude in tights exclaiming, “Holy bloody democrats, Batman”…

  8. I want Palin for Prez in the hopes that when some Tea Party-elected congressmen tell her the Republican party still has some leftover RINOs in it in it she’ll misinterpret the term and take swift appropriate hang-glider action. Can’t wait to see the Oval Offices’ new rug.

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