Palin vs. Michelle

If you’ve been watching Sarah Palin’s Alaska (and who doesn’t? Her family is adorable!), you may have seen Palin take a swipe at Michelle Obama and her no dessert policy.

It’s on!

So, choose your side. On one, you have Sarah Palin and dessert and on the other Michelle Obama and carrot sticks.

But before you decide, let me tell you that Huckabee is on the side of Michelle and against dessert. Of course, considering pictures I’ve seen of Huckabee from back when he was governor, that’s a position he’s waffled on. And then ate the waffle.

He was fat!


  1. Good fat: Chris Christie (I don’t think I’d like him if he weren’t fat.)

    Bad fat: Mike Hukabee (He was scary fat. Now, he’s just scary.)

    Fatty fatty fat fat fat: Michelle Obama (Her butt’s so fat, it has a built-in cheese dispenser.)

  2. Next I assume you want me to choose between Johnny Cash and Lady Gaga.

    All you need to know about the opponents of Sarah Palin is that they look at the greatest picture ever taken and title it as “sarah-palin-caribou-slaughter” – meaning it as a bad thing!

  3. I love that Huckabee is so openly threatened by Palin that he has to inject himself into whatever “controversy” she is involved in. We get it Huck, you’re the ultimate Anti-Establishment Outsider.

  4. “Next I assume you want me to choose between Johnny Cash and Lady Gaga.”

    Put me on the side of Johnny Cash and Sarah Palin. And if Huckleberry Hound thinks taking shots at Sarah The Magnificent Caribou Hunter Palin improves his chances of being the Republican he is bigger nut job than I thought he was.

    Lady Caca isn’t even fit to sing a Johnny Cash tune.

  5. Marko, that IS the greatest picture ever taken.

    Some reporter asked Gibbs about a mBo/Palin shoot out. I’d pay to see that. It would be short, though. 3/4 of a second, maybe. A KelTec 9 vs. S&W 500 magnum., the moose cartirdge.

  6. I’m going to go out on a limb here. I mean, way out to the very end where it’s just a twig. What I’m thinking, and I may be alone in this, is that if I were to choose a diet instructor, I would choose Sarah over Michelle. It’s just a hunch, really, about which one has better experience.

    If I could get that picture at a decent resolution, I’d use it for wall paper for my desktop, or for my walls, whichever.

  7. Sometimes God is just on my side, and we are on Sarah’s side. Of course I was on her side before I found out the huckster was against desserts. Not surprising, that religious bigot sucks the life out of everyone and thing he comes in contact with.

    Huckabee’s like a former smoker. Because he chooses not to eat desserts anymore no one can. What a maroon as Bugs would say.

  8. If Michelle would get off her ass and go out and shoot a few Mooses and field dress them, her ass wouldn’t be what it is! She doesn’t want to go there with Sarah Palin who has a giant crush on me, she just doesn’t know it yet!

  9. Just another step towards taking control away from the parents. I have no problem telling my boys “no” when they ask for dessert or dessert type snacks. Dessert is not a right, its something fun we sometimes have after dinner. There has even been the rare evening where I prepare bannana splits for dinner – its fun and because it happens once a year or so, it is kept as a special treat.
    My kids are learning that not everything they want they get. That there is a person in charge of what they ultimately do and get – and that person is ME. And I am AWESOME!!! 🙂

  10. I have not laughed so much while reading a blog site…….Merry Christmas and yes, pass the dessert please. Michelle, go away and leave us in peace. It’s not your body I object to, it’s your lousy spirit.

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