Random Thoughts

I just realized that I’ve never had a McDonald’s hamburger. Cheeseburger, yes, but not hamburger. Why would you get a burger without cheese?

All I know about Net Neutrality is that the Kos kids keep going on about but no one else seems to care, which seems like all I need to know.

Some people think liberals are trying to make things like 1984, but that ridiculous as they could never limit themselves to two minutes of hate.

Didn’t everyone learn that higher taxes can mean less revenue from Sim City?

A big difference between the religious and atheists is that the religious tend to be more cognizant of their unprovable assumptions.


  1. Everything I know about economics I learned from SimCity. Thanks public school! I can bake sticky-buns and play “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the recorder, but you didn’t teach me a gosh-darn thing about banking, investment, the Fed, or trade.

    Heck, if it was’t for “Trading Places” I wouldn’t even know what a commodity is (actually, still a little fuzzie…)

    I guess the next generation will learn all their economics fom the Auction House in World of Warcraft. At least WoW teaches unbridled predatory capatalism.

  2. At least WoW teaches unbridled predatory capatalism.

    Actually, those MMORPG’s are very useful for modelling some real life situations, especially economic ones. I went to a talk a few years back by some researchers who were writing their own MMO just to be able to study some stuff. It was actually pretty interesting.

  3. “I just realized that I’ve never had a McDonald’s hamburger. Cheeseburger, yes, but not hamburger. Why would you get a burger without cheese?”

    It’s been years since I had a hamburger without cheese. The noble burger is one item that really benefits from a slice of cheese. Of course these days I’m more likely to eat a chicken or turkey sandwitch, but the occasiobal cheeseburger still rocks.

  4. Here’s my own random thought,

    On this, the 65th anniversary of George S Patton’s death, or actually that was yesterday, why still haven’t we found a way to clone him back to life, and put him in charge of the military. Heck, he’d be in charge of the military on day one, since he died a four star, and has date of rank on everyone. Never retired, so complete seniority.

    Probably because Obama is scared of having Old Blood and Guts at a staff meeting.

  5. I just realized that I’ve never had a McDonald’s hamburger. Cheeseburger, yes, but not hamburger. Why would you get a burger without cheese?

    First: Jimmy is correct.
    Second: A properly prepared and cooked hamburger does not need anything more than a bun and a touch of salt. Taste the meat, not the heat condiments. Of course, I do not expect any fast food joint to properly prepare their meat type substances.

  6. Religion requires faith in the unseen but knowable. Atheisim requires belief in Sceince! the unknowable.

    All we need to know about Net Neutrality is that if the libbies like it then it’s got to be bad. And it will make your cable rates grow up. Anything the liberals touch make the rate
    AMacRib with cheese is kosher. No actual pork or dairy products involved.

    Remember those old movies where the future people used a machine that dispensed a pill? One drop of water and the artificial food appeared. Today we call that Mcdonalds.

  7. “All I know about Net Neutrality is that the Kos kids keep going on about but no one else seems to care, which seems like all I need to know.”

    At what point, exactly, did hippie liberals suddenly decide that there was nothing better than having “The Man” run every aspect of their lives? Last I heard, they were still all “speaking truth to power.”

  8. All I know about Net Neutrality is that the Kos kids keep going on about but no one else seems to care, which seems like all I need to know.

    All I needs to know is the name. Who comes up with these Orwellian names for liberal legislation? We might next expect these:

    – All Good Things for Children (abortion funding bill)
    – Family Protection Act (gay marriage bill)
    – Campaign Finance Reform Act (George Soros election finance bill — oops, been done)
    – Child Safety Act (ban on assault rifles)
    – Federal Austerity Act (tax increases)
    – START Treaty (one-sided strategic forces emasculation treaty — oops, almost done)
    – Child Nutrition Protection Act (anything Michelle does)
    – Integrity in Government Act (anything B. Frank does)
    – Public Option (government provided insurance — oops, almost done)
    – Green Jobs (kickbacks to Obama supporters)
    – Stimulus Bill (anything but)
    – Fairness Act (anything but)
    – Peace in Our Time Act (US armed forces reductions)

    Only an evil monster could be against these.

  9. Well, Frank, I know it’s already been said, but “lactose intolerance.”

    And before Cat tries to tell me cheese is low in lactose, I’m just gonna say that my dad gets laid up in bed if he has anything with more lactose than a Chips Ahoy cookie.

    So I’m not taking any chances.

  10. A few random thoughts of my own:

    Just saw a portion of an episode of “Bridalplasty.” I gues “vain and shallow” is the new “deep and spiritual.”

    The real losers on that show are the husbands-to-be.

    Married to one of them, it would take about three months for me to go from “groom” to “defendant.”

    But I would videotape all three months, so everyone would know it was justified.

    I wonder if Obama thinks bariatric surgery is designed to make people look more like him.

    You can go to a plastic surgeon and ask for Angelina Jolie’s lips or Jennifer Grey’s new nose. Do you think anyone has ever gone in and asked for Obama’s ears?

    If they ever make an amusement park around Obama’s bothood home, they could call it “Barry-O Land” and sell Barry ears, just thike at Disneyland.

    Also, Marko said: “A properly prepared and cooked hamburger does not need anything more than a bun and a touch of salt.” Do you really need the bun?

  11. I remember when they had the 29c hamburger Tuesdays. My mom would get a bunch. It was a sad say when we didn’t have any cheese slices at home. For some reason the 39c cheeseburger Thursdays were just too expensive.

    And try getting a regular cheeseburger at McDonalds anymore. They don’t even list it usually. And sometimes, if they do, it’s more than the McDouble, which has two patties (and then there’s the double cheeseburger, which is the McDouble with two cheese slices!).

  12. A big difference between the religious and atheists is that the religious tend to be more cognizant of their unprovable assumptions.

    With the exception of islam. There’s no cognizant thought going on there whatsoever.

  13. The best plain burgers are the ones my parents cooked for us on a park grill using charcoal. (Beef in the 60s was tastier than it is today.) Add ketchup and eat. And then we’d all go down the corkscrew-shaped slide like a bajillion times.

  14. “On this day in 1944, German military forces demanded the surrender of the 101st Airborne Division in Bastogne Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge. The Division’s commander, Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, replied with one word: Nuts!”

    Except for the tax rate extension and the temporary spending bill, I wish the Republicans had said “Nuts!” to everything else this lame-duck congress has tried to pass. Maybe they though it was worth letting the commierats have one more go at raiding the treasury just to get them the h*ll out of town.

  15. Net Neutrality just means service providers can’t preference any particular viewpoint (and can’t charge content providers to make their sites available to the service providers’ customers). Since broadband providers have near monopolies (at most there are usually two or three an area) there’s a likelihood that people won’t be able to access all the content on the internet because of private censorship. We get most of our information off the internet, so that would be bad.

    I don’t see how Net Neutrality is a partisan issue. Anyone who likes free speech should be okay with it, and conservatives definitely fall into that camp.

    [Yes, the government will save us from censorship. You smirt. -Ed.]

  16. @Julian,

    Broadband is hardly a “near monopoly”. I spent a little time working for a tiny internet company and what we did was wireless broadband, and what I mean by that is we put antennas up and pointed them at watertowers where we had equipment. There wasn’t a lot of demand for the product (mostly rural customers) because it’s more expensive than cable or DSL and the install costs are like $200, but if the bigger companies started blocking content (and they wouldn’t, they’re not stupid) people would have flocked to us. I’m not sure how much it cost the owner to start the company, but it couldn’t have been too much, he was hardly rich; if there was more demand, you’d see new companies spurt up everywhere. Oh, by the way, in my town we have at least five different service providers.

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