Random Thoughts

Man, thought I invented a new expression “sunshine and gravy” but found one other hit for it on Google. Internets!

When fascism comes to America, it will be called the “Free Hugs for Minority Orphans” Act.

When fascism comes to America, it will be driving a Prius.

When fascism comes to America, Thomas Frank will write a column explaining how it will make us more free.

So about when can we expect our nets to get more neutral?

I don’t want to generalize (yes I do!) but liberals seem to get more worked up about theoretical problems than actual problems.

To use the Coolidge analogy, they find it easier to focus on the problems they see coming down the road than the one running them over.

Anyway, not bad to focus on possible problems in the future as long as you realize most won’t need any solutions in the end.

This holiday season, scientists are setting up cameras to see if they can catch photographic evidence of someone celebrating Kwanzaa.

The only one who could correctly be labeled a “Holocaust Winner” is the little boy from Life is Beautiful.

To all of those still racially discriminating against people: Stop it! …Unless you have good reason.

I always give attention to the dog and ignore the cats, but I can’t anymore because of new Pet Neutrality legislation.

Oh, that was “Pet Neutering” legislation. Nevermind.

Really weird watching Boise play on a green field.


  1. I don’t want to generalize (yes I do!) but liberals seem to get more worked up about theoretical problems than actual problems.

    Because it’s easier to do stuff when stuff isn’t real and easy to manipulate to make real life things look bad, and one can create other stuff out of thin air?

    Really weird watching Boise play on a green field real football field.

    Fixed it for you.

    Really, Frank, I like Boise, but the smurf turf, meant to draw them attention, is just laughable.

    Random thought: Was watching It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World the other night. The Englishman, Terry Thomas, rants about America in one scene:

    And this positively infantile preoccupation with bosoms! In all the time I’ve spent in this wretched Godforsaken country, the one thing that has appalled me most of all this preposterous preoccupation with bosoms. Don’t you realize they have become the dominant theme in American culture? In literature, advertising and all fields of entertainment and everything. I’ll wager you anything you like that if American women stopped wearing brassieres, your whole national economy would collapse overnight!

    I must say that I find America’s preoccupation with bosoms to be anything but infantile.

  2. “This holiday season, scientists are setting up cameras to see if they can catch photographic evidence of someone celebrating Kwanzaa.”

    Tell ’em to come on down to Miami. There’s a few folks down here that actually note and celebrate it.

    “I must say that I find America’s preoccupation with bosoms to be anything but infantile.”

    Indeed. I personally think it’s one of the things that makes American great. Mmmmm, bosoms…

    “Really weird watching Boise play on a green field.”

    Let’s face it Frank, it’s hard for football fans to take a football team seriously when they play on a blue Smurf turf. Random thought: what color will a Smurf turn when you choke him?

  3. Oh, it’s Net Neutrality! So will there be a ghey version of IMAO coming out in the near future that will be all pink and fabulous and will have oiled up young men posing in that “come hither” look to balance out the current one? I think Jimmy could help you out with lots of ideas from first hand experience!

  4. Ussjimmycarter (well, at least your name has “Jimmy” in it!): Excuse me, I’ve got Palin, Ham, Bachmann and Coulter visiting for a strategy brunch today.

    (The only time I’ve seen “oiled up young men posing in that ‘come hither’ look” was when my pilot son was rebuilding his Chevy short block in high school and he needed my advice. “Uh, Dad??? Come hither please.”)

    Oh, okay. Merry Christmas, Ussjimmycarter!

  5. “To use the Coolidge analogy, they find it easier to focus on the problems they see coming down the road than the one running them over.”

    According to Obama, we’re the ones driving the car.

    If we downshift, we’ll get better traction.

  6. Even I’m not dumb enough to try buttermilk and vodka and I once bought some Dr. Browns carbonated chocolate flavored soda and thought vodka might make it drinkable. But a good gravy and scotch martini is a Kwanzaa tradition not to be missed.

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