I’m Just Gonna Go Ahead and Read Way Too Much Into This

The Democrats released their 2012 Convention logo:

Look familiar? Here’s the Democrats’ Obamacare logo:

What’s changed? Well, now America has become a soulless, barren, depopulated wasteland. The few people left alive have been quarantined in Canada behind a 50 mile high wall.

I guess the Obamacare dome that protected everyone in the bottom picture actually ended up decimating the population, thus the wasteland.

Funny thing is, the ghostly people in the Convention logo look a lot more agitated than the ghostly people in the Obamacare logo. Maybe they’re just trying to say that their vision is to exile the Tea Partiers to Canada, and transform the Lower 48 into a Borg-like collective of group-thinking, obedient, blue-state liberals.

Either way, it’s an unnervingly creepy piece of symbolism.

By the way, does anyone else think that Obamacare logo looks like a Tsar Bomba strike on Minneapolis?

[Hat tip to American Glob, which has a less cynically paranoid view.]