Cashing Out on Online Personas

I was just thinking, have you heard of a more cynical case of capitalism than the sale of Huffington Post? Here, you have a liberal site always going on about how great socialism is and how bad corporations are and then make $315 million off of thousands of unpaid bloggers who still don’t get a cut of the money. Anyway, something to keep in mind if you ever see another post on HuffPo about corporate greed or something. That’s the way it is with the left: The rules are always for other people.

Anyway, makes me think of some cynical ploys. Like maybe I could sell my whole online persona. I don’t know if anyone has done this before, but maybe someone could just buy out my whole online identity. They’d give me big cash money, and then I quietly hand over the password for my blog and Twitter account and they get to be Frank J. You guys wouldn’t notice anything different except, considering who bought me out, I might start talking up how great Chevy trucks are or something. This would work even better for someone completely anonymous like Allahpundit. Someone else could start being Allahpundit, and no one would ever know. Could have happened a few times already.

Anyway, I think it’s time to cash out. I’ll soon put up being Frank J. on eBay. Bidding starts at a million.

Faster Trains!

So Biden announced a $53 billion plan to build high speed rail. He said this is about “seizing the future.” So, I guess we already gave up on winning the future and are going to do a snatch and grab on it.

Of course, how are we going to get to the future using a strategy from the second half of the 19th century?

BIDEN: “Let’s build trains!”

AMERICA: “No one uses trains anymore.”

BIDEN: “But these are really fast trains?”

AMERICA: “Faster than planes?”

BIDEN: “No.”

Yeah, let’s definitely spend those billions we don’t have to make choo choos, ’cause if one thing is holding back our economy it’s not enough choo choos. And after we use our advanced technology to build a better train, let’s then focus science on inventing a better horseshoe.

Of course, if we all want to be about saving money and being green and what not, shouldn’t we focus more on not going places since we have like our internet and stuff now. I mean, physically going places seems so last century. You didn’t have to go any place to get IMAO; why even go outside at all, I say.

New Meaningless Slogans for Obama

So Obama has been pretty good at coming up with slogans like “The Audacity of Hope”, “Yes We Can”, and “Win the Future.” They’re short, meaningless, and fun to say. In 2012, he’s probably going to need more than those if he hopes to win reelection, so I thought I’d try my hand and coming up with a number of new happy, meaningless slogans for him to try out. If he likes them, he can buy them for a million dollars.


“Yes We Are”

“Bitterly Cling to Progress”

“Forward to Something”

“The Time Is Now. The Future Is Forward. The Sky Is Up. The Space Needle Is in Seattle.”

“We’re the People That Are Here Now”

“Eat. Pray. Pay Taxes.”

“When a car is stuck in a ditch, we can either be the car or the ditch. Let’s be the ditch.”

“We Need to Do Stuff About the Things”

“The Audacity of Unicorns”

“Let’s not concentrate on a past filled with dinosaurs, but a future filled with resurrected dinosaurs.”

On second, thought, that last one is not for sale.

Random Thoughts

Can’t really win the future; it can just wait us out until we’re all dead.

Going mad with power is on my bucket list.

Hate it when you find a huge bug that explains everything, you fix it, and… no change.

Favorite bug of all time was in college when a group of us spent hours with logic analyzers to realize we plugged a square chip in sideways.

Dealing with Harry Baals

Ft. Wayne, Indiana, is looking for a name for its government center. And they’ve opened it up to suggestions via the city’s feedback Web page.

The top suggestion so far? Name it after the city’s longest-serving mayor, Harry Baals.

Baals – pronounced “balls” by the then-mayor but “bales” by his descendents – became the Republican nominee for mayor in 1934 and was elected for three successive terms. He returned to politics in 1951 by winning a fourth term but died in office in May 1954. His accomplishments include elevating the railroads in town and negotiating the contract with the Army to establish Baer Field as an air base.

The city’s Deputy Mayor, Beth Malloy, says the building won’t be named after the former mayor. Apparently, she doesn’t care for Harry Baals.

A lot of people, though, like the idea of Harry Baals on a building.

I don’t live in Ft. Wayne, so I don’t have a say in the matter. I could go to the feedback site and make suggestions. But I won’t. And I could encourage you to go to the feedback site and make suggestions. But I won’t. The residents of Ft. Wayne should decide for themselves how they feel about Harry Baals.

The voting, by the way, ends this week. And the 10 finalists from the voting will be given to the mayor. I wonder how his staff will handle Harry Baals. Or the other finalists.

If they do select the former mayor’s name, there will be some residents that won’t like it, I’m sure. It may be that many residents of Ft. Wayne will just have to learn how to live with Harry Baals.

Pancho Villa’s finger

Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
Someone is selling a Mexican finger.

Okay, I apologize to the memory of Marty Robbins for that.

But someone is trying to sell Pancho Villa’s finger. You know about Pancho Villa, right? Killed Americans. Was supported by Germany during World War I. That Pancho Villa.

Anyway, a pawn shop in El Paso is trying to sell Pancho Villa’s finger.

That got me thinking… What other famous body parts might be on sale in the future?

What other body parts might be found in a pawn shop one day soon? Or which ones would you like to see?