The Riddle of the Sphinxter…

All hail Phar-0, the true ruler of Egypt!

♫ Born in Honolulu… If you don’t believe, then SCREW YOU! ♫

Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!

IMAO Looking for Polling Firm

I was thinking: Maybe IMAO should hire a polling firm. That would allow us to finally poll the issues that need polling and drive the news. It worked a lot for Kos, though things didn’t end well with with his first polling firm (I heard Kos bit them).

Not sure how we get a good polling firm, but I’m just going to go ahead and start working on some question I think it would be neat to poll:


* If you had to spend tax money on one of these items, which would you rather it be: Obamacare or giant robots?

* Obama is kind of an idiot, huh? Yes/No

* Which is more important to winning the future: High speed rail or space lasers?

* What should happen to someone who has punched a hippie: Fined $50, nothing, or paid $50?

* What you rather a trillion dollars be spent on: What Obama calls stimulus or a giant new space program to send all the politicians spending our money to the sun?

How much do you agree with each of the follow statements? Rank as extremely agree, very agree, or I hate America:
– Our children’s kung fu is weak.
– We need to nuke the moon.
– It is important for scientists to resurrect dinosaurs and put rocket launchers on them.
– A real solution to illegal immigration would involve something called a Mexi-cannon.
– Clam shell packaging should be illegal and the perpetrators of it hunted down.
– Monkeys are plotting to kill us all.

Rumsfeld Heckled

So Cheney introduced Rumsfeld at CPAC, and they were both heckled by Ron Paul supporters. Yeah, the Ron Paul supporters are still around apparently, yelling “War criminal!” and anti-semitic stuff about shekels (to Ron Paul supporters, it’s all about the Constitution… and the Jews). I thought we had finally gotten into their heads that we all hate them and no one but crazy people are going to vote for Ron Paul, but they’re still out there and still yelling and being as unlikeable as possible.

So is Ron Paul going to be a problem for 2012? Maybe, so here’s my idea: At the beginning of 2012 we throw a blanket over his head, and hopefully he’ll continue struggling throughout campaign season to get it off.

As for Ron Paul supporters, they haven’t been doing so well. In fact, a number of the hecklers at CPAC were found strangled later that day. The situation was very mysterious, as they were found lying dead in the hallway with Donald Rumsfeld standing over them saying, “Look at these guys I just strangled.” DC police are baffled.

Doesn’t ANYONE Like This Woman…

…enough to warn her when she’s making an epic fashion error?

Because this thing:

Looks a heck of a lot like Klingon battle armor.

Which does nothing to help her with the Lursa issue:

Random Thoughts

What’s a CPAC?

Clapper says that the Vatican is largely secular.

Clapper: “What do you mean the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t secular? Inconceivable!”

If I were Clapper, I’d claim it was opposite day.

Smart people know that up is largely down.

Ron Paul fans are still around? I thought they all froze to death in the winter or something.

Libertarianism: A completely reasonable political philosophy espoused most loudly by the completely insane.