Yeah, I’ve Been Watching This Movie Every Day For Weeks Now

Something Irritable Pundit sent me that’s just too damn big – and too damn unshrinkable – to put in a lolterizt!/lolbama! post, and too damn good not to share:

[reference link, for the benighted youth]

IMAO Comment Moderation

There has been some concern expressed about the amount of comments that end up in moderation, so I thought I’d go ahead and finally explain the rules that may cause a comment to end up in moderation.


* …you’re a first time commenter.
* …your comment uses a word from a blacklist of vulgarity and racial slurs.
* …your comment contains numerous links.
* …your comment is extremely lengthy.
* …an algorithm determines your comment’s tone to be hostile.
* …your comment contains too many adverbs.
* …your comment’s character count is a multiple of 23.
* …your comment uses UK English variants of words.
* …a computer algorithm determines that your comment was probably written by a Jew (the moderation software is extremely anti-Semitic).
* …your comment corrects me grammar.
* …your comment disagrees with Frank J.
* …your comment agrees with Harvey.
* …your comment expresses a neutral opinion of Basil.
* …your comment even mentions spacemonkey.
* …your comment contains the word “hippie” and “punch” is not within five words of it.
* …your ip address is from Delaware.
* …a random number generator determines to do so.

If your comment is moderated, don’t panic. It just means your comment will have to wait until someone looks at it and approves. As to who does that, I honestly have no idea. Maybe it’s hackers; point is, eventually it will get looked at. Also, your ip address will be forwarded to the FBI just in case.

Happy commenting!

We’re Way Past the Time for a Machete

So even reporters are having trouble comprehending how absolutely impotent Obama’s budget is about the deficit. Yet Obama is still trying to convince the last few morons who take him seriously that he’s making big cuts or something. Here’s what he claimed: “To use an analogy that families are familiar with, we’re not going to be running up the credit card anymore.”

Dude, your budget is proposing 7.2 trillion in new debt over the next ten years; you obviously aren’t going to be running up the credit card because Discover ain’t touching that. And you think that is being fiscally responsible? This is not just at a level of not understanding economics; this is looking at a dollar bill and saying, “What in the world is that?”

And then Obama said this about budget cuts: “Let’s use a scalpel; let’s not use a machete.”

A SCALPEL?!! Do you see this massive jungle of debt growing outside choking everything? And you want to prick at that with a scalpel? Heck, even a machete is barely going to put a dent it. We need to agent orange that sucker. And that’s just to keep things from getting to the level where we need to nuke it from orbit.

Obama is later going to try to raise taxes. Obviously, it’s not to help reduce the deficit because there is no credible evidence he cares about such a thing. It will just be because of some weird fetish he has about confiscating other people’s money.

So it’s up to Republicans to save the country — which sucks, but that’s the way it is — and it’s up to Obama to be the enemy to that screaming about hurting seniors and poor people to try and get reelected because of how much we need his non-leadership for another four years. I’m not saying Obama is anti-American; I’m just saying if you’re pro-American, that’s going to require being very anti-Obama. Good luck to both America’s well-being and Obama’s political future — may the best one win.