Conclusions, and the Jumping to Thereof

I’m not normally one for conspiracy theories, but I think Obama may be a Sith Lord.

Will Obama Run in 2012?

So is Obama pretty much done with the presidency? After the midterm election, there’s no more passing giant expensive legislation for him. He’s just stuck there seeing how little his stimulus did and watching as the courts attack Obamacare — which was far watered down from what he originally wanted. The big thing of the day is reducing the deficit, but Obama’s new budget showed he can’t even bring himself to care about that. Tyrants are being overthrown in the Middle East, but he doesn’t really have anything to do with that or anything significant to say. And his big new idea? High-speed rail. Maybe that’s his signal that he’d rather be in a basement playing with a train set.

We’re wondering about who to run against Obama in 2012, but are we even sure Obama is going to want to run? If he can’t ensure he’ll have big majorities in the Legislative Branch to make sure he can go crazy with our money paying for his big stupid ideas, is the presidency something he’ll still be interested in? Maybe instead he’ll want to go somewhere else he can do nothing useful and get praised excessively — like Hollywood or something. Or maybe he’ll move to Canada and become it’s king — no, it’s emperor! Canadians have always thirsted for a monarch to tell them what to do, but the royalty of England is always forgetting them. But soon they could have Obama, Emperor of Canada. And he won’t be expected to do anything because no one expects Canada to do anything.

Wait, what’s the difference between an emperor and a king? Or do you just decide to call yourself one or the other? I never really got that. Like did one day some king just decide to call himself something different so everyone would think he was a super-king? Or is there an official measure where you have to rule over so much area and now you can be called an emperor? Either way, if Obama doesn’t get to be called emperor of Canada (and doesn’t get the giant hat to go with that), I will feel he’s been cheated. That’s no way for Canada or any other country to treat a rejected U.S. president.

Political Arguing FAQ

So when do the left start to learn to make themselves not completely repugnant to America at large? They were screaming racist at everyone who questioned them spending like crazy, but after the midterm election you’d think they’d learn to try not seem like arrogant, out of touch idiots. So what are they doing now? Fleeing the state to avoid budget issues and defend the oh so popular teachers’ union from the realities of the economy.

In an attempt to help, here is an FAQ to help liberals argue better.


Q. I don’t like the opinions of some other people. Should I go scream at them?
A. That doesn’t work in convincing people. You need to try engaging them on the issues.

Q. What if I’m sure they’re racist?
A. Do you have any basis to believe they’re racist other than that they disagree with you on tax and budget issues? Make sure you’re not just using that as a distraction to avoid the issues at hand.

Q. That sounds like racist logic! Where are you? I want to scream at you!
A. This desire to scream is actually due to your inability to argue on the issues. The best solution may be to rethink your positions if you’re having trouble defending them.

Q. My positions are not wrong! You’re just dumb! Why do you have trouble understanding how dumb you are even though I keep screaming it at you?
A. You’re not going to convince people by being angry. You have to ask yourself: Do you want to convince people on issues affecting this country? If so, you need to sympathize with other people and understand their positions.

Q. That sounds like something Hitler would say! You won’t trick me with your Nazi tactics!
A. When you keep imagining your political opponents as evil as possible to hate them more, then what you’re really hating is really things that exist in your own psyche. You might want to focus more on self-examination than political arguments.

Q. So, if the political opponents I hate are really within my own brain, should I throw myself through a plate glass window?
A. I can’t see why not.

Random Thoughts

Is Justin Bieber really cutting his hair? Maybe this is the moment our country finally starts turning things around.

Is there a checkbox to tell IE that it’s only my last resort browser and will never ever be default?

Do the Koch brothers pay people to be right-wing, because they owe me back pay.

The Massive Dynamic logo in Fringe is a ripoff of the Nintendo 64 logo.