THIS is How to Build High Speed Rail

On the minimal chance that there are IMAO readers out there who have read the book but who haven’t heard that after 54 years they’ve finally made the movie, here’s the trailer for Atlas Shrugged:

[YouTube direct link]

Look for it April 15th, an opening day that I’m sure was picked completely at random.

And, as I mentioned while discussing this at my personal blog, there are 3 big differences between Obama’s high-speed rail and Dagny Taggart’s:

1) It’s privately owned
2) It’s profitable
3) It’s hauling freight, not passengers

Link of the Day

Hope n’ Change suggests a new mascot for the Democrats:

Frankly, we think this new Democrat “Flee Party” movement deserves a newer and more accurate mascot than the old Ass they’ve used previously, and Hope n’ Change is happy to suggest the design seen in today’s cartoon.

We think the Democrat Donkey has outlived any semblance of accuracy. After all, a donkey is actually capable of performing work, stands on its own feet, and is at least marginally lovable… none of which is true of a liberal Democrat.

But a flea? It’s a blood-sucking parasite that lives off of others, it breeds promiscuously, and it’s nearly impossible to get rid of. In other words, it’s a perfect match!

Full disclosure: I live in Wisconsin, and I’ve been suffering under the regime of douchbag Democrats and their union cronies for a VERY long time. With Walker in office, I feel like running through the streets yelling “Democracy! Whiskey! Sexy!“.

By the way, someone made a song about that.