Death by SyFy

The sun has launched an attack on the earth.

A solar flare was emitted Tuesday, and it’s heading this way.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) said the possible effects from the geomagnetic storm include power grid fluctuations, impact on satellite operations, effects on migratory animals and the visibility of auroras in places like New York, Idaho, Michigan and Maine.

Yes, it’s hitting any moment now.

It may have already hit. But, I don’t think it has, since life on earth hasn’t burned up and the continents haven’t turned into pools of molten rock.

And, did you notice that one of the places impacted would be Idaho? Frank J. lives near there, I think. And the CME could affect his blogging. I don’t know if it’ll make it better or worse, but I don’t like change, so whatever happens, I won’t like it.

But, let’s look at the bigger picture. This solar attack is like the plot out of a bad direct-to-video movie that airs on the SyFy Channel or something. Which means that we need to be on the lookout for other SyFy-based threats. Like Meteors, Mega Piranha, Mega Pythons, Gatoroids, Tiffany, and Debbie Gibson.

We also need to ask why. Why is the sun attacking us?

I think it’s pissed that humans are trying to take credit for global warming, when it’s the sun that causes the earth to warm up and cool down. The sun has sat there, 93-million miles away, watching us. And it’s tired of Al Gore giving credit to humans for its work.

I think we need to take all the “global warming/climate change/whatever it’s called next” crowd and put them in a rocket and shoot them off into space. Not like some B Ark plot, but to distract the CMEs. It’ll see the rocket ship full of screaming environmentalists and direct its attention that way.

Al Gore could end up saving the earth after all.

Even then, we won’t be completely safe. There’s still the threat of Tiffany vs Debbie Gibson.


  1. Might not be too hard to get them on the rocket since Neil Young confused them all when he ended his enviro anthem with the line – Flying Mother Natures silver seed to a new home in the sun Flying Mother Natures silver seed to a new hoooooooommmmmmmmee.

  2. “We also need to ask why. Why is the sun attacking us?”

    The sun is attacking because of one thing: we don’t worship the sun anymore. Oh, excuse me, The Sun! Think about it, for centuries humans worshipped The Sun! all over the globe, but now we worship God. God, or course, is far cooler and sensitive to our needs. What does The Sun! do? The Sun! just sits up there looking all sunny and stuff. And toasts you to a crisp if you fall asleep on the beach. I mean I like The Sun! and all that but, c’mon, The Sun!, take a chill pill or something.

  3. Revelation 16:8-9 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of GOD, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give Him glory.

    The Sun does what GOD tells it. Blessed be The Name of the LORD

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