IMAO Looking for Polling Firm

I was thinking: Maybe IMAO should hire a polling firm. That would allow us to finally poll the issues that need polling and drive the news. It worked a lot for Kos, though things didn’t end well with with his first polling firm (I heard Kos bit them).

Not sure how we get a good polling firm, but I’m just going to go ahead and start working on some question I think it would be neat to poll:


* If you had to spend tax money on one of these items, which would you rather it be: Obamacare or giant robots?

* Obama is kind of an idiot, huh? Yes/No

* Which is more important to winning the future: High speed rail or space lasers?

* What should happen to someone who has punched a hippie: Fined $50, nothing, or paid $50?

* What you rather a trillion dollars be spent on: What Obama calls stimulus or a giant new space program to send all the politicians spending our money to the sun?

How much do you agree with each of the follow statements? Rank as extremely agree, very agree, or I hate America:
– Our children’s kung fu is weak.
– We need to nuke the moon.
– It is important for scientists to resurrect dinosaurs and put rocket launchers on them.
– A real solution to illegal immigration would involve something called a Mexi-cannon.
– Clam shell packaging should be illegal and the perpetrators of it hunted down.
– Monkeys are plotting to kill us all.


  1. * What should happen to someone who has punched a hippie: Fined $50, nothing, or paid $50?

    The obvious answer would be nothing. You shouldn’t require payment to perform your civic duty.

  2. Hopefully the poll will have an option for “All Of The Above”.

    My grandson’s kung fu is really strong. At 10 months he already drop kicked a bottle of formula he didn’t like and grabbed my daughter-in-law and law and warned her the next time she gives him that dreck he’ll drop kick her. Oh, and he can’t wait to have a giant robot for his very own.

  3. While I love the idea of a Mexi-Cannon, the real solution to immigration is more jobs in Mexico. Egypt apparently also needs more jobs. What else to Mexico and Egypt have in common? Pyramids! What are huge sources of income for Mexico and Egypt? Tourism! What do tourists want to see? Pyramids! Clearly, Egypt and Mexico need to get back to what they do best and build more pyramids.

  4. 1) Neither.
    2) Yes, but so you are for having to ask.
    3) Neither. Iowa battleships are the correct answers. Stop being such a Star Wars nerd, Frank.
    4) Nothing. Punching a hippy is a common courtesy, a gesture to all the MOH recipients, and something as simple as breathing.
    5) The latter.

    – Very Agree
    – Extremely agree
    – Extremely agree
    – Extremely agree
    – Very agree
    – Extremely agree

  5. I got really confused with the ‘hippie punching’ question. I do not believe in a fine per se, however, I do see a great money raising opportunity. At the picnics this summer, I would think that the “hippie punching booth” would easily out-draw the “kissing booth” and the “dunk tank”. I, for one, would gladly pay $5 to punch a hippie.

  6. I dunno, Frank…

    I usually agree with you but I think you’re really overlooking the strategic value of clamshell packaging. Cheaper to make than bombs and every bit as effective at rendering enemies harmless.

    Just think about it – you go to a country you don’t like and give them a truckloads of whatever they want – weapons, food, money…it doesn’t matter in clamshell packaging, and while they’re all excitedly trying to get to their shiny new prize, we send in our ninjas and dinosaurs with rocket launchers. They wouldn’t even know what hit them.

  7. I would like to apply as the official pollster for IMAO. My qualifications? I’m not a homosexual, my head is not up my ass, I have plenty-o-junk for the ladies which always helps with polling, I don’t poll hippies or dill-weeds, I don’t include stupid answers in my polls so all left wing answers will not be included, I only charge $1,000,000.00 per poll!!!

    When would you like me to start?



  8. Frank, I can meat all of ussjimmycarter’s qualifications, with a few key differences. I will never let answers to questions get in the way of desired results, and I will charge only $999,000 dollars a pole. You will save enough to buy the next i-pad when it comes out, with enough left over for a shiny new video game.

  9. Oh dear. I appear to be skewing the poll results towards liberalism. Drastically even.

    — taxes: prefer neither but given those choices, Giant Robots.
    — idiotobama: YES!!
    — WTF? High Speed Rail (unless we can get Israelis to do our TSA work; basic transportation is more important than space lasers and the TSA is making that impossible.)
    — hippie punch: It’s an amusing term, but $50 fine. Most hippies are at least 5% person underneath, and thus it’s wrong. (Besides, do you REALLY want to get all that patchouli oil all over your hands?!)
    — $1T expenditure: if NASA can’t do it for less, then yes, spend the $1T to send the clowns in Washington into orbit. Be sure to include Helicopter Bernanke.

    — Kung Fu: strongly agree. Children today need more toughening up, and video games ain’t gonna cut it.
    — nuke the moon: strongly agree.
    — rocket dinos: moderately disagree.
    — Mexi-canon: it’s better than our current solution, but moderately disagree. Sadly, given that so much of our country is so lazy, we need these industrious Mexicans to do the work we can’t be bothered with.
    — Clamshells: strongly agree, see previous comment about their usefulness as a lethal weapon
    — Monkeys: neutral. My opinion is that monkeys are only plotting to kill most of us, enslaving the rest.

  10. Frank, are you polling us as to whether we would like to be polled? Is this part of your move to make IMAO more saleable? Can we expect IMAO to swing with the vagaries of the latest poll? Will new polls point to a desire for Nuke the Moon T-shirts? Will poll respondents prefer to arm dinosaurs with space lasers, rail guns or 16″ canons?

    HA! Now I’m polling you. (see how I did that?)

  11. Frank, I also can provide kickbacks. However, instead of sliding vanilla envelopes stuffed with money, I will slide you the key to a car. The car will not only be a kickback, but will have its trunk full of kickback money.

    ussjimmycarter, ball, court, your move.

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