New Meaningless Slogans for Obama

So Obama has been pretty good at coming up with slogans like “The Audacity of Hope”, “Yes We Can”, and “Win the Future.” They’re short, meaningless, and fun to say. In 2012, he’s probably going to need more than those if he hopes to win reelection, so I thought I’d try my hand and coming up with a number of new happy, meaningless slogans for him to try out. If he likes them, he can buy them for a million dollars.


“Yes We Are”

“Bitterly Cling to Progress”

“Forward to Something”

“The Time Is Now. The Future Is Forward. The Sky Is Up. The Space Needle Is in Seattle.”

“We’re the People That Are Here Now”

“Eat. Pray. Pay Taxes.”

“When a car is stuck in a ditch, we can either be the car or the ditch. Let’s be the ditch.”

“We Need to Do Stuff About the Things”

“The Audacity of Unicorns”

“Let’s not concentrate on a past filled with dinosaurs, but a future filled with resurrected dinosaurs.”

On second, thought, that last one is not for sale.


  1. How about:

    “Something is happening”
    “I know you are but what am I?”
    “Circle the Bowl”
    “We have nothing to fear but the future”
    “Smell the change”
    “Whacha going to do about it”

    “I’m all Ears”

  2. “We Spend, We Tax And We Don’t Care What You Think”

    “Hope And Change. You Better Hope We Leave You Some Change By The Time We’re Done Taxing ‘Yo A$$.”

    “The Audacity Of Dopes.”

    “We Are The Wons We’ve Been Waiting For.”

  3. “Eat what Michelle says, not what I eat!”

    “Higher taxes for the rich, more Nobel Peace Prizes for me!”

    “To know me is to love me!”

    “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” – oh sorry, that one’s already been used before.

  4. You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but liberal ‘tards wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the arse.

    Forward! Into the Past!

    Look! Shiney!

    Does this recession make my head look fat?

  5. *”F@#$King America because Michelle wont let me touch her”
    *”America has a rich land which we will trade for beads and bracelets”
    *”Beacuse open borders implies there is some sort of border which is still more then Bush did”
    *”Democrats promises are like those huge rebates on electronics”
    *Join the party of pie eaters not the stingy party of pie makers”
    *Democrats, because a secular theocracy based on pseudo messiah sounds so much cooler*

  6. It is what we say it is.

    Wake up! It’s Rockin’ Chair Time!

    Let Them Eat Gruel

    I’m having the best of times, you’re having the worst of times. Sucks to be you.

    World Citizenship Now!

    The Bones Know All! The Trees Speak!

    Islam Is The Religion Of Peace! Live It! Love It! Learn It!

    Embrace The Suck!

    Jive Jesus Sez Science! Saves!

  7. The Lips That Touch Liquor Must Never Touch Mine.
    Me ne frego!
    Never had it so good. Never been had so good.
    No Power to the Imagination!
    Arbeit Macht Frei”.
    Bigger cages! Longer chains!
    Better dead than Red!
    Führer befiehl, wir folgen dir!
    Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.
    Fifty-Four Forty or Fight.
    Every Man a King.
    Make love not war.
    All tried and true slogans from around the world that the administration can use except they wouldn’t want the one that says…Better dead than Red.

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