Random Thoughts

Not only is this year the Reagan centennial, but my favorite pistol – the 1911 – also turns 100.

Literacy is just a ploy by greedy publishers to increase sales.

I can never win the future unless I enter the cheat code for 30 lives first.

I want to be a novelist but they keep adding new Angry Birds levels.

“Audacity of Hope”, “Win the Future” – Are these supposed to mean anything or does Obama just randomly throw words together?


  1. “Audacity of Hope”, “Win the Future” – Are these supposed to mean anything or does Obama just randomly throw words together?

    There’s probably an iPhone app to do it. I doubt that Obama knows how to use an iPhone, so he probably has Valerie Jarrett do it for him, or maybe she has a general do it.

  2. “Audacity of Hope”, “Win the Future” – Are these supposed to mean anything or does Obama just randomly throw words together?

    These are actually edited. The first drafts by Obama-wan were:

    * I figure that the audacity of my powergrabs will keep my opponents off balance and my minions satisfied and hope I get socialism embedded before anyone else realizes it.

    * I can’t win the next election once people realize that I’ve screwed them with unsutainable future debt.

  3. In the basement of the White House, Obama had installed a large tank housing several manitees. They push idea balls into a tube to form his meaningless platitudes. The tube is connected directly to the teleprompter. In the same room is a hamster cage with a wheel which generates ideas for making America stronger, but Biden left the cage door open the last time he played with it.

  4. ““Audacity of Hope”, “Win the Future” – Are these supposed to mean anything or does Obama just randomly throw words together?”

    1) Memorable lines from speakers who loved America: “I have a dream”, “The shining city on the hill”, “We chose to go to the moon.”

    2) Stupid lines from speakers who hate America: “Audacity of Hope”, “Win The Future”, “I am the one we’ve been waiting for.”

    Any questions?

  5. The 1911 is my favorite handgun as well, but I also really like my Tanfoglio (it’s Italian, eh?) Witness .45 ACP too. Worthy of being mentioned with the mighty 1911.

    Happy Birthday, Ronald Reagan and 1911! Two examples of America’s greatness.

  6. Only the 1911 would have dared share a birthday with Renaldo Magnus. Hey, I noticed that Time Magazine had both Reagan and Obama on the cover and they looked like buddies. Like is this a trick or something? Does anyone know if they are secretly buddies and we just don’t know about it? I would have to change his name to Renaldo Dufus if this were so. It’s Time magazine, though so I kinda figure maybe they have an agenda?

  7. Colt designed the M1911 while the army was still riding horses. Colt won the future.

    He designed it to stop the Moro tribesmen of the Philippines. The Moro were fond of using narcotics and religious rituals to make themselves fanatical. Sound familiar?

    While 2nd Lt. Owen J. Bagget was floating to earth in a parachute, he used his Colt .45 to shoot down a Japanese zero (he shot straight through the canopy into the pilot’s head). Sgt. Alvin York used his Colt to stop a group of charging Germans before charging back at them. The Germans had made the mistake of counting 5 shots from York’s Enfield before charging. When Msg. Earnest R. Kouma discovered that his tank was alone in the path of 500 attacking Koreans, he fought a 9 hour rear guard night action over a distance of 8 miles. After Kouma had emptied the tank’s .50 cal, he continued to hold off the enemy with a combination of his Colt .45 and grenades During his withdrawal, he held off the attack, took out 3 machine gun positions, and killed an estimated 250 soldiers.

    When famed Texas Ranger Joaquin Jackson was asked why he carried a Colt .45, he replied, “Because they don’t make a .46.”

  8. There is a reason kids luv Angry Birds, and Frank is going to get to the bottom of it.
    On the plus side of literacy, it allows discriminating individuals to peruse IMAO.
    You would have thought some enterprising Capitalist would come out with a ‘Win The Future’ Game, as soon as O-bah-muhh uttered the phrase.
    MindlessSlogans.com is O-bah-muhhz favorite internetz site.
    True: ‘Mindless Slogans:101 Cheap Substitutes For Actual Thought’ by Paul Rosenburg, the only book on O-bah-muhhz nightstand.

  9. New Obama Slogans:
    Remember To Poop Daily,
    An Apple A Day Keeps Apple Farmers Rich,
    Ask Any American, “If Not Now, When: If Not Us Who, If Not Higher Taxes What.”
    Illegals are not here illegally

  10. “Audacity of Hope”, “Win the Future” – Are these supposed to mean anything or does Obama just randomly throw words together?

    Maybe he hired the guy who used to come up with the names for Steven Segal movies.

  11. I can never win the future unless I enter the cheat code for 30 lives first.


    Obama: “Win The Future” WTF?

    Us: “Love Our Liberty” translation=LOL
    Us: “Rip Obama (a new one) For Lying” translation: ROFL
    Us: “Stand Together For Unity Against Obama” translation: STFU @ Obama

  12. Since my classic .45 doesn’t have that handy ‘double action’ first shot feature many modern pistols have, I carry it with the hammer cocked, safety engaged, and the holster strap secured between the hammer and the firing pin.
    If anyone notices and points this out to me, I explain, “Well, I tried to lower the hammer once, and the dang thing made an AWFUL racket!”
    When asked why I carry a .45, I say it’s because I can’t afford a .50 caliber. (but one of these days…)

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