Random Thoughts

What’s a CPAC?

Clapper says that the Vatican is largely secular.

Clapper: “What do you mean the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t secular? Inconceivable!”

If I were Clapper, I’d claim it was opposite day.

Smart people know that up is largely down.

Ron Paul fans are still around? I thought they all froze to death in the winter or something.

Libertarianism: A completely reasonable political philosophy espoused most loudly by the completely insane.


  1. What’s a CPAC?

    CPAC is where a bunch of arrogant and “proud” homosexual dudes show up to call everyone else single issue voters.

    Ron Paul fans are still around? I thought they all froze to death in the winter or something.

    They hibernate. They rarely wake up before March in non-election years; they’re expending much energy this year.

  2. Marko, it’s not really hibernation, just camouflage. Check youtube, you can probably find dozens (if not hundreds) of 9/11 conspiracy theory videos created by Ron Paul supporters, all hidden under titles that make them look like music videos.

  3. Ron Paul fans are still around? I thought they all froze to death in the winter or something.

    Didn’t you ever read World War Z? These zombies guys don’t thaw out for a few months…but when they do, the mayhem will begin all over again. Bwahahaha!!!

    Remember, when you take out one of Zack’s army, it’s all over for him. When he takes out one of yours, his ranks increase.

  4. Libertarianism: A completely reasonable political philosophy espoused most loudly by the completely insane.

    The best definition I’ve ever seen.

    I’m curious, the blog took extra long to load today, did you move to Mars already?

  5. “Clapper says that the Vatican is largely secular.”

    Makes me feel very secure to know Mr. Clapper and his very smart pals are keeping an eye on the dangers of the world for us. -NOT!

    This administration is like somebody cloned hundreds of Pee Wee Hermans.

  6. “Libertarianism: A completely reasonable political philosophy espoused most loudly by the completely insane.”

    As a once-registered Libertarian, I – unfortunately – must agree. I’m really not sure how the party of “The Constitution defines the limited powers of the government and any powers not specifically granted to the government by the Constitution remain with the people” became the party of “First thing we need to do is legalize weed.”

  7. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
    Wow Clapper just put himself in the Bible

  8. You have to cut this Neville Clapper guy some slack. He’s working with conflicting sources:

    From the Muslim Brotherhood English site:

    We believe that the political reform is the true and natural gateway for all other kinds of reform. We have announced our acceptance of democracy that acknowledges political pluralism, the peaceful rotation of power and the fact that the nation is the source of all powers.

    On the other side of the coin:
    – The first word in “Muslim Brotherhood” is “Muslim”
    – Kalid Sheikh Mohammed was a card carrying member of the Brotherhood
    – Their slogan is “Islam is the answer.”
    – Hamas is a offshoot of the Brotherhood

    It’s a toughie. In the words of that famous NFL series sponsored by IBM, “YOU MAKE THE CALL!”

  9. If I were Clapper, I’d claim it was opposite day.

    You know, it’s just amazing. All those folks that Obama hired/appointed, etc., had high-paying jobs even before he hired or appointed them, yet their intelligence is such that you’d expect that their career alternatives involved fast food, Wal-Mart, or JiffyLube. Maybe scratch that last one. There’s not a one of them whom I’d trust to change the oil and filter on my 1998 Corolla; then again, I do it myself, so maybe I don’t trust JiffyLube, either.

  10. Who would be stupid enough to name a RONCO product Director of National ‘Intelligence’? Oh…. Never mind.
    Just proves that James Clapper/Director Of National Intelligence, is an oxy MORON.
    Every time Mr. Clapper comes to the WH Security Briefing, Sheriff SlowJoe Biden chants, “Gonorrhea On! Gonorrhea Off!”
    “Come on! The Muslim Brotherhood is a Fraternal Order; like the Shriners, but without the ClownCars.”—- James Clapper
    Their symbol has a Koran, Crossed Sabers, And Sanscrit Writing meaning ‘Make Ready’. I guess sabers and sanskrit are secular for Arabs.
    The MB Motto: allah is our objective, mohmmed is our leader, the koran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of allah is our highest hope. allahu akbar!

  11. Just curious: If it takes 18 days for 250,000 Egyptians to depose their dictator, How may days will it take x Americans to depose ours?

    Their should be an equation. There’s an equation for everything.

  12. Pingback: Chicken fucked, film at 11 « doubleplusundead

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