Random Thoughts

Obama’s budget: “I’ll spend a bunch of money and when I feel like I’m done I’ll stop.”

For Valentine’s Day, wife is making me chimichangas. That’s what love is.

With the 7.2 trillion in new debt Obama is proposing, do we at least all get new cars and free candy?

So is Obama even running in 2012? His proposed budget seems to indicate he’s given up even trying to do anything useful.

A blue canary in the outlet by the light switch friended me on Facebook, but I don’t know if it’s actually my friend.


  1. Obama’s budget:

    “I won, you hear me you idiot Americans? I won. That means I get to spend your money and when I need more money I’ll tax you again and again. I spend, you pay. Go complain to the morons, er, I mean voters who voted for me. They rock, but I’m taxing the heck out of them too. Nobody escapes my taxes, you hear me, NOBODY!”

  2. For Valentine’s Day, wife is making me chimichangas. That’s what love is.

    True love is the greatest thing in the world — except for a nice MLT — mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. Mmmmmm. They’re so perky, I love that.

  3. “Obama’s budget: ‘I’ll spend a bunch of money and when I feel like I’m done I’ll stop.'”

    Done?” Do you actually believe there’s a point when he’ll feel he’s “done” spending our money? That’s just silly.

  4. “A blue canary in the outlet by the light switch friended me on Facebook, but I don’t know if it’s actually my friend.”

    Those birds from Twitter and the silly F from Facebook are all over websites these days. You can follow the twits on Twitter or like them or friend them on Facebook. Of course I don’t follow any Twits or like any Faces, much to their dismay.

    Do the Twits get depressed if nobody follows them?

  5. “A blue canary in the outlet by the light switch friended me on Facebook, but I don’t know if it’s actually my friend.”

    This reminds me that I have a secret to tell from my electrical well.”

    But…but…you left out the whistles and bells!

  6. A blue canary in the outlet by the light switch friended me on Facebook, but I don’t know if it’s actually my friend.

    Certainly it’s not your only friend, but it’s a little glowing friend, but really it’s not actually your friend – it’s the someone who keeps moving your chair.

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