Random Thoughts

Ever know anyone whose working hours were actually 9 to 5?

With a name like Walker, you need to put your state and job after your name. “Walker, Wisconsin Governor.”

I don’t if it sounds cool for my name. “Fleming, Idaho Engineer.” Eh, somewhat cool.

When we’ve tied up Obama and put him on a high speed rail leaving DC, we’ve won the future.


  1. That kiss my grits lady worked 9 to 5.

    My rant on this union thing
    Ill be the first to say government unions are out of control but should the divisive teachers unions really be the first we take head on? One of the worst targets possible. Its going to rouse up the left, not put a dent in the budget, and give massive fodder for the media to portray it as a war by “R’s” against poor little school teachers.

    At least we could play it safe/smart and divide the democrats on the issue. For instance first craft it as pay cuts for government employees making over X dollars per year. Make it some big number that will alienate the all decent people from the unions. 150K- 500k salaries whatever the unions will protest the hell out of it because they understand its a crowbar and that to give an inch today is to lose a mile tomorrow….. but the independents wont see it as that. They will see a bunch of unions freaking out about people making big bucks living off the taxpayers in the middle of a financial crisis.

    But no with the GOP its the old British/Bush strategy go on principle stand in formation don’t get dirty or tricksy like the “Rabble hiding in the trees” Good way to lose a conflict but look mighty principled to those watching that support you.

  2. shiggz,
    I disagree. What better way to show what a bunch of angry, selfish, ignorant, and greedy jackwagons are in Public Sector Unions? The contrast between the general idea that teachers are calm, intelligent professionals who have childrens’ best interests foremost and videos of these same teachers (who ditched school) carrying vulgar, violent, misspelled, ungrammatical signs with their faces screwed into a rictus of anger over a governor doing what most voters of the state elected him to do is perfect.

    Now what I wish would happen is a montage of photos and videos contrasting the riot demonstration by the teachers union to the Tea Party gathering. After each Tea Party sign or Palin quote, show a film clip of the MFM calling for civility, then show the contrasting Union thug sign or their demand for mo’ money, followed by a still shot of an MFM reporter with the sound of crickets in the background. Final shot will be the mall after the Tea Party…clean, and the area after the SEIU demo…trashed.

    The Republican Party in Wisconsin and the RNC needs to go all out and plaster the state with posters of every one of the Dems that fled with the headings:

    * Wanted…to keep their promise to govern to the will of the people not the unions.
    * When the going gets tough…I leave.
    * Elections have consequenses…unless you’re a Democrat.
    * Voting only counts for “Card Check”
    * (photoshop the Dem with fingers in ears) Can’t hear you. La, la, la, la, la!

  3. “Walker, Wisconsin Governor.”

    Random, er, “thought”:

    My wife loves Walker, Texas Ranger, which in kinda cool. How many wives like a show with loots of car chases, gunfire and explosions? I mean, usually wives like very lame sappy shows like “Friends”, and “Golden Girls”. I’m not a fan of “Walker, Texas Ranger” but at least I can handle it. Ok, the 9mm guns blowing cars and trucks are a bit of a stretch, but hey, the show’s heart is the right place.

  4. The facts will do in this case. Asking these folks to pay out of pocket for a percentage of their healthcare equal to what their non-union friends and neighbors pay is a good place to start.

    I can tell you what my next piece of legislation would be, it would address the “lets run away” tactic. Abandonment of Office should be considered abandonment, as in “gives up all interests in Office” and their opponent in the last race should be installed.

  5. Ever know anyone whose working hours were actually 9 to 5?

    Oh, yeah. Actually, I’ve had contact with lots of people whose actual working hours were far shorter than that. It won’t surprise you that they all “worked” for a government of some sort. Visit the post office. When I worked in San Francisco (1999-2001), I had occasion to visit a post office at Market and Ninth Streets. Not only did the employees behind the counter there move slowly enough to qualify as plant life, but, on the occasions when one of them had to take a package from a customer and put it where another employee to pick it up, the employee would roll his char to and from the drop-off spot.

  6. How about Fleming, Idaho Engineer (of High Speed Rail Train)?

    Also, back in the good old days, which ended in the late 1980s, legal secretaries and other support staff in some law firms worked 9 to 5. They used to get pensions, too, if they hung around long enough. Not no more, though.

  7. I’m with Veeshir, do the Bond-type intro: “Fleming, Frank Fleming.” And light up the cigarette…… or perhaps an e-cigarette if you don’t want to blow smoke in their face. There probably won’t be a TV Show called, ‘Fleming, Idaho Engineer’ any time soon.

    Make sure that the High Speed Train we run O-bah-muhh out of DC on, travels at least 88 MPH, and has a nuclear powered flux capacitor. Set the time controls to 802701 AD, and let him think the Eloi just need a Community Organizer to get social justice from the Morlock.

  8. @former
    I’m with you that it sounds great to show the world what petulant children 30-50% of public unions in Wisconsin are but, in order to do that you have to have a media willing to showcase it and talk about it and put it on a headline of newspapers and magazines which is all most people will see even subconsciously. Right now that headline is going to read, “Republican Governor attacks teachers” instead of “Teacher unions freak out over smaller 2011 raises and promises of no layoffs”

    If you read a lot of conservative media through he internet you know whats happening the problem is everyone who does not read conservative online media or listen to Rush meaning 8/10ths of the country etc.. not only do they have no idea they actually have the opposite wrong facts. This is what happens because conservatives top to bottom let the left take control of the media over decades. Propaganda doesn’t have to persuade anyone it just hast to create confusion in casual observers mind by drawing a “moral equivalence” to justify their behavior or at least disillusion people from joining the other side.

  9. “WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Christmas Tree is no more.

    The Colorado blue spruce that stood on the Ellipse south of the White House since 1978 was toppled Saturday morning by heavy winds. By the afternoon, the 42-foot tree was ground into mulch.

    National Park Service spokesman Bill Line noted the tree was exposed to the elements because it stood alone on the Ellipse.”

    Planted during Carters first term of office, and mulched during Carters second term. (Sigh) It fits!

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