Random Thoughts

I kind of like this idea of the opposite of going Galt where all the whiners run away.

Finally saw the Social Network. Now I want to see a dramatization of the founding of CatsThatLookLikeHitler.com.

NASCAR is a lot like chess. And a little like chutes and ladders.

Actually, I think it mostly resembles Mario Kart.

In Bones, do they even bother anymore trying explaining why the murders they investigate are federal cases?

The kind of signs we need in Idaho.

I have no daughter!


  1. Awww, look at Princess Buttercup wrestling with a space monkey! Good to see you’re starting her early on defending Earth against evil space invaders. Shouldn’t she have a laser or a light saber or something, though?

  2. So, they’re shooting the unleashed dogs, in Idaho? Very sensible people in Idaho. Idaho Zombies keep their Zombie-dogs unleashed. The ‘NO SHOOTING’ sign was obviously put up by Zombies.

  3. Irony: ‘Profiles In Courage’ was about JFK, who legalized public employee unions, by executive order. Now Democrat’ consider profiles in courage to be running to the neighboring state to avoid voting responsibilities.

  4. In Bones, do they even bother anymore trying explaining why the murders they investigate are federal cases?

    That’s something I’ve noticed too in many programs about the FBI. Numb3rs used to do that a lot as well. I was regularly left scratching my head as to how they always wound up with those cases.

    I think the idea is to try and make people forget that the FBI is regularly overstepping it’s jurisdiction.

    They’re quite remarkable at finding serial killers in under an hour though.

  5. I might actually watch NASCAR if it were more like Mario Kart. If they could shoot stuff at each other while they were racing and there were obstacles all over the track, then it might be interesting.

  6. all the whiners run away.

    I like this idea, but as long as America is the best place to live, they won’t leave on thier own. Other than ruining the country ourselves, how do we get rid of them?

  7. Random thought: Franks moderator catches words like dooshhh, and She ite, but allows through really offensive words like democrat and olbermaam.

    I have no daughter!
    Wise man said, keep your friends close but your enemy closer.

    C’mon Frank, embrace the monkey.

    The trouble in the middle east will surely be a reason for the tree huggin pos’ to beat us in the head with wind power and commie energy.

  8. Frank, is that monkey male or female? I would be concerned that Buttercup has already come to that fork in the road and made “the turn”! I don’t remember the fork but some of my friends took it where it said Wiener Sandwich…Yum!

  9. Thanks for the pic of Buttercup and the purple sock monkey – wonderful!

    I voted for the Stache in your presidential straw poll. One twirl and America’s enemies will be cowering. Those Somali pirates will all start coin laundries when Bolton becomes president.

    I love Sarah but she can’t compete in the stache arena.

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