Rumsfeld Heckled

So Cheney introduced Rumsfeld at CPAC, and they were both heckled by Ron Paul supporters. Yeah, the Ron Paul supporters are still around apparently, yelling “War criminal!” and anti-semitic stuff about shekels (to Ron Paul supporters, it’s all about the Constitution… and the Jews). I thought we had finally gotten into their heads that we all hate them and no one but crazy people are going to vote for Ron Paul, but they’re still out there and still yelling and being as unlikeable as possible.

So is Ron Paul going to be a problem for 2012? Maybe, so here’s my idea: At the beginning of 2012 we throw a blanket over his head, and hopefully he’ll continue struggling throughout campaign season to get it off.

As for Ron Paul supporters, they haven’t been doing so well. In fact, a number of the hecklers at CPAC were found strangled later that day. The situation was very mysterious, as they were found lying dead in the hallway with Donald Rumsfeld standing over them saying, “Look at these guys I just strangled.” DC police are baffled.


  1. cpac is a joke anyway. The Ron Paul guys are just there having fun! Can you imagine what cpac would be like without them? It would look and smell just like the democrats had gotten together. Secretary Rumsfeld should be ashamed of appearing at such a loserfest. People like gnewt of the sofa and mitt for brains running all over spouting about how great nancy puglousy is and how great gubmunt run healthcare is and how we need to stop global warming. The Ron Paul cooks give the spectacle a little relief from cpac turning into the dnc.
    Imagine how dull the campaign will be without the fruitballs yelling RON PAUL!!! Since we are going to be stuck with mitt for brains anyway, we may as well have some fun!

  2. Dead Ron Paul supporters. Now we know what we didn’t know. Rummy taught Ziva David all she knows. Now, when we get terrorists that won’t talk we don’t have to say “Call in the MOSAD guy”. We just say “Send in Rummy”

  3. *I think booing is childish and herdish. Winston Churchill said: “If you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite”

    *I guess I see it as every movement is going to have its rabble and I will still take Ronulons over Marxists and hippies. The “rabble” are political rebels, the bell curve of human behavior will have them in every thing. They are not many in number nor in influence but like their Marxist opposites they do a lot of the ground work with local policies and door to door stuff that I presume none of you do?

    I don’t get antisemitism (not just because the word is used wrongly according to its biblical usage)…I guess I see 4 main groups of Jews:

    -Secular or Christmas and Easter version of Hollywood Jews who decades ago were rejected by American protestant and Catholics and thus got in bed with cultural upheaval leftists.
    -NY and Chicago Jews
    -Secular Israeli’s
    -orthodox Israeli’s

    -The Hollywood Jews I oppose and I don’t think many of them realize how destructive their media monster has become.

    -NY and Chicago Jews…. have never met a working schlub (like the rest of us) I didn’t immensely like.

    -Leftist Israelis much like US and Euro leftists, replete with gay pride parades through to corrupt government. Because of their dangers I sympathize with them to a degree but they certainly are not blameless in some events. (like Californians who keep voting for leftists but suffer from crimes and danger from illegals)

    -Orthodox Israelis, these I think we should heavily support. They are like the religious Americans (of many different faiths) who the left is constantly harassing and mocking on many levels. You know their way, academia-courts-media-cultural isolation and harassment

  4. I’ve never met a Jew I didn’t like. Met a bunch of them who were conservative. Only the dumb ones seem to end up in either politics, media or Hollywood. All the others are just like us, good conservative people, who want to keep a little bit of their paycheck after a long day of laboring.

  5. Ron Paul sends college kids to CPAC to vote for him in the straw poll. In that respect; ‘The enemy of my Romney is my friend.’

    shiggz: That Churchill quote sounds like something Hannibal Lecter would say.

  6. jimmah cahter: I am noat an anti-cahmite, in fauct the verwy fondation of this countrah was built on cahment.

    keef uberbite: Uh jimmah, that’s Semite.

    jimmah cahter: Huh? oh uh, nevuh mand.

    Secretary Rumsfeld: I can’t believe that douche carter is still alive. RON PAUL!!!

  7. #17 I am speaking of the ones I know. Then again, I do not live in New York or California. I would say that the Jewish proclivity to vote democrat has more to do with them being concentrated in left leaning areas, then it has anything to do with their genes or faith.

    You take a large Urban area, like New York, and you have to give the local government a lot more power, in order to keep things going, then you would ever have to do in a medium sized city, or rural area. Problem is, places like New York are the exception, not the rule, to how things should be ran. People there end up getting all kinds of funny ideas on how the rest of the country should work, which is how we end up with spending trillions on things like Mass Transit, Government Workers Unions, or low income housing. They don’t understand people live too spread out to have a convenient bus stop on each block, can take their own garbage to the dump if the garbage man refuses, or that there is plenty of room for our trailer parks.

    Jews who live in conservative areas, tend to be conservative.

  8. CPAC sucks! Conservative Pricks America Can’t Stand – It should be CPACS… Mitt Romney, Newt, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Oh yea. Palin was up in Alaska caring for her babies and such (Rick Santorum) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Oh yea, Palin was up in Alaska like making money and stuff (Rick Santorum) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Orin Hatch “The Tarp vote MAY have been a mistake” ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Cheney and Rumsfeld should have killed either themselves or everyone attending!

  9. Ron Paul won the Texas straw poll according to Drudge. If conservatives don’t wake up a field an intelligent, common sense, experienced (business and government) candidate we will be looking forward to four more years of a Demoncrat in the White House.

    I think there are some wolf (libs) in sheep (conservative) clothing. Fermenting division, derision and disunity at every turn. Thanks youse guys.

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