Walmart causes theft

Walmart wants to put a store the District of Columbia. Four, actually. Including one at Georgia and Missouri Avenues.

Brenda K. Speaks

Brenda K. Speaks

That’s a bad idea, according to Brenda K. Speaks, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, Ward 4B05. Why, you ask.

No, really. Go ahead and ask. I’ll wait.

Okay, since you asked. She doesn’t want Walmart because it will cause kids to steal:

Addressing a small, anti-Wal-Mart rally at City Hall on Monday, Speaks said young people would get criminal records when they couldn’t resist the temptation to steal.

Got it? Walmart doesn’t create jobs. It causes theft.

So, if some punk steals from Walmart, it’s because of the temptation created by Walmart, not because the kid is a little thief.

Keep this in mind if you ever get robbed. It’s your fault. Not the fault of the little punk that sticks a gun in your face and takes your money or your car. Yours.

Now, aren’t you ashamed that you have a job and a computer and stuff? You should be. Your are the cause of all things that are wrong with this country.

At least, if you think like Brenda K. Speaks.

I wonder what else is your fault? We need to keep an eye on the likes of you.


  1. Does a day go by where black people like this idiot don’t say things that make the KKK say “see? we were right all along!”?

    I guess the crime rate in Africa is actually very low, there’s nothing to tempt them to steal.

    That’s not a hat? O_o

    If a white person were to say that Walmart would tempt (black) people to steal. would that not be raaaaaaaaaaaaacist?

    Welfare tempts them to steal too, so let’s start by getting rid of that.

  2. wow this lady is so racist!!! I cannot believe how much she hates black people to say such a thing!!! Where are her sheets and hood??? Somebody call thee naacp and sharpton and jesse now!!! What? The lady in the picture is the one who said that??? Oops there pie in her eye!

  3. A bad case of Jerri Curl gone bad.

    Gotta love the marxist mental state: Stores cause stealing, guns cause crime, eeevil republicans and Sarah Palin cause hate…. Hats cause “Don King” hair.

    If Wal Mart causes theft, Why isn’t the crime rate higher in our neighborhood? We have a Super Center.

    I thought it was the goal of every parasite wanna be to have a criminal record for the street cred.

    marxist logic

    Wal Mart = black youth thieves
    black youth thieves = white racism
    Wal Mart = white racism.

  4. Hey Basil, get Frank to do one of his Scientific! polls: What percentage of IMAO readers thought she’s wearing a hat? You can mark me down in the hat category.

    Did anyone get to the end of the article where she proposed her solution? She wants to eliminate shoplifting completely by shuttering all the businesses in her district. She has a follow on plan to eliminate car theft.

  5. No problem in the black community whatsoever…nothing to see…move along…young (black) kids just can’t control their urge to steal other people’s belongings…nothing we can do about it…nothing to see…move along…no problem….

  6. Is an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner anything like a Neighborhood Organizer? If so, I’d say this woman has a bright future ahead in left wing politics. And yeah…I thought it was a hat too.

  7. Coming from that neck of the woods I can’t say I’m at all surprised. I’m just wait for the reparations subject to rear it’s ugly head again.

    I want Africans to pay for all the damage they did to Spain back in the eighth century A.D. (anno domino, after the birth of Jesus Christ)

    I want the Muslims to pay for cutting off the Holy Land from Europe thus perpetuating the Crusades.

    I want the English to pay for the genocide it committed against the Irish for over 5OO years ( the Scots and Welsh could join in any time as well)

    Really lets start the reparation parade and see if we can’t bankrupt every country on the planet. We’ll be back to living in dirt floor huts, digging gardens with our bare hands and an infant mortality rate of 1 in every three babies in no time.

    If you don’t think this sounds like fun, you might start paying attention to the Sharia propaganda and the Hollyweird elite. They are all over this.

  8. Pingback: If there was a Pit of Absurdity…….. « The Daley Gator

  9. She must have a childhood rap sheet and is still in the “NOT MY FAULT MINDSET”.
    Whatever happened to teaching kids right from wrong and then letting them take the
    consequences for their own actions.

  10. Wait a minute…. if I’m getting robbed, and it’s my fault I’m getting robbed, when I shoot the ID10T that is robbing me, with my legally carried firearm, who’s fault it that? Site your karmic justification in your response….

    [It’s Bush’s fault, of course! – B.]

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