Yeah, I’ve Been Watching This Movie Every Day For Weeks Now

Something Irritable Pundit sent me that’s just too damn big – and too damn unshrinkable – to put in a lolterizt!/lolbama! post, and too damn good not to share:

[reference link, for the benighted youth]


  1. “I laughed. I cried. I strapped a bomb to my chest.” -A. Muslim Fanatic

    “It’s the movie you’ve been dying to see.” -Ima Suicide Bomber

    “Barack has never been more Presidential.” -Michelle Obama

    “It’s a really big ‘ephing deal!” Joe Biden

    “Best use ever of a teleprompter in an epic film!” Robert Gibbs

  2. Obama the “Desert Fox’ or even better “The Desert Jackal” (if that’s considered a racist term I apologize, the meaning of words is so fluid these days that one never knows if and when a perfectly good word will end up on the official “you are a racist list”).

    I could change it to “Desert Carrion Consumer” if the moderator doesn’t like it.

  3. “I laughed, I cried, I kissed my country goobye!” -an American

    “Allah Ackbar! The chickens have come home to roost!” -Reverend Wright

    “I went on a taxpayer funded junket to watch it in New York City with my girlfriends. I think we’ll all go to watch it in Italy next. Eat your carrots, pass me a bacon cheeseburger.” -Michelle Obama

    “The Obamas sent me a DVD of the movie but it was the wrong format so I can’t watch it.” -some old British queen

    “This movie was No. 1 in all 57 states!” -Barrack Obama

    “I chewed on the carpet and peed in the potted plant in the corner of the Oval Office. What’s a movie?” -Bo Obama The Portuguese Water Dog

    “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” -Bill Clinton

    “I would have just nuked the moon instead” -Frank

    “I hated it. There were absolutely no Iowa Class Battleships in it!” -Marko Mancuso

    “I thought this was a Star Trek convention! What the hell?” -Proud Infidel

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