
New video from Crowder! What does Ottawa think of our health care? And why would we care?

Also, John Hawkins got to interview Donald Rumsfeld, and he seems to have come out of it unstrangled. Still, Rumsfeld remains quite cantankerous. “You ought to kill them.” What a scamp.

More Useful Hitler Comparisons

Once again, I have a post up at the DC Trawler, which should be my last for now. If you go read it, that will be yet another difference between you and Hitler.

Frank Responds to Spam Comments

The Great Landlord has finally awarded us another bounty of spam comments:

I definitely accept everything you have stated. Actually, I browsed throughout your additional articles and I think you happen to be absolutely right. Congrats with this website.

I’m glad. Nothing worse than people not accepting what I’m saying. I don’t know if I could take it if someone were to come here and not accept what I’ve written.

I do not accept this article. However, I did searched with Yahoo and I’ve found out that you’re right and I was thinking in the improper way. Carry on creating quality content such as this.

Whoa, you scared me a second there with your non-acceptance. I’m glad you’ve decided to give up on improper thoughts, though. I kind of suspect a lot of the regulars here have improper thoughts, and it creeps me out.

I really don’t agree with this particular blog post. Even so, I did looked in Google and I’ve found out that you are correct and I seemed to be thinking in the incorrect way. Continue producing quality material similar to this.

What’s with the search engine name dropping? “Oh, I know that search engine he mentioned; this must be a real comment!”

Seeing that i have been scouting around on the internet for that really good read focused on this kind of subject . Seeking in Search engines I eventually spotted this page. After reading this info So i am seriously happy to say that I’ve got a really good sensation I found exactly what I needed. I will ensure to don’t forget this site and look it over consistently.

So how many other IMAO readers get really good sensations reading the posts here? Actually, please don’t answer that. Anyway, consider being like that commenter above and stop thinking in an improper way while you’re here.

When I see a good article I usually do a few things:1.Forward it to my relevant it in all of the popular social bookmarking sites.3.Be sure to visit the same website where I came accross the article.After reading this post I’m seriously concidering doing all of the above…

When I get a great comment I usually do a few things: 1. Steal underwear. 2. ??? 3. Profit. I’m seriously considering doing all of the above… Ooh! Look! A squirrel!

A colleague told me this article, and I must admit it was worth it to read it. Repair of interesting things.

“Repair of interesting things.” I guess that’s some new expression. Don’t really get it from context though. Maybe it’s just a general expression of happiness. “The Great Landlord has smiled on me and I got a big bonus at work; repair of interesting things!”

Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

You can’t pretend to be a real person and claim to own and love a Zune.

An attention-grabbing dialogue is price comment. I believe that you should write more on this matter, it may no

I think that reporter from the Grammies left a comment.

Where ever you are. I am gonna find you.

I thought this was a threat, but it came with a link for hotel bedding. A threat does seem like an odd spam, but for a second I thought it was a real comment so mission almost accomplished.

F*ckin’ remarkable things here. I am very glad to see your article. Thanks a lot and i’m looking forward to contact you. Will you please drop me a e-mail?


You created some good points there . I searched this topic and found out. that most people will harmonise with your blog….

I wished I loved anything as much as you love periods.

Could you make one more blog website ? ? I really enjoy this a single so considerably.

I dunno; blog websites are a lot of work. Can’t I just post more here on this single and you enjoy that considerably.

I’m not going to do that either, BTW.

Well, that’s it for today. Hope it was a repair of interesting things.

Random Thoughts

The Koch brothers: Responsible for all that’s wrong in the world since 3 or 4 weeks ago.

The left make fun of religion, but they seem to believe very strongly in the concept of single entity responsible for all evil in the world.

I’m converting my horse from oats to diesel.

ROTC has been off the Harvard campus for 41 years? So were gays the issue when Harvard kicked out ROTC in 1970?

Just saying, how long until Harvard finds some other excuse to kick ROTC from campus?

Almost had something to tweet about Charlie Sheen. Was going to play off his “WINNING!” and Obama’s “Winning the future”, but got bored.

To me, the most impressive thing about the iPad 2 is the new cover… but it was also the only new thing about it that wasn’t expected.