Your Moment of Happiness

Oh, you HAVE to see this, if you haven’t already. And maybe see it again if you have.

Donald Rumsfeld not only beats up Andrea Mitchell and takes her lunch money, he then goes out, buys his own lunch with it, eats it in front of her, and then makes her lick the crumbs up off the floor.

Dear God in heaven, it’s like watching a Pee-Wee League football team try to take on the Green Bay Packers. Andrea is WAY out of her league on this one.

Whichever Republican wins in 2012, I sincerely hope and pray he/she re-hires Rummy as SecDef.

My personal favorite line: “Never heard of him.” (around the 7 minute mark)

And from that point on, it just gets better. He keeps crushing her like a bug, questioning her premises and dismissing her smears and allegations out of hand in a cruelly-gently pitying tone of voice that suggests he’s dealing with someone who just stepped off the short bus.

Which, I suppose, is not too far from the truth.

[Business Insider direct link]