Why Are YOU a Conservative?

New Crowder video:

So why are you a conservative? For me, when I was first exposed to conservative views as a kid, I had never seen that perspective before and it just made more logical sense. Plus, I just never really liked poor people.

We Need More Bullying

When there are huge crises both foreign and domestic, we can count on Obama to not care about any of that and focus on some issue no one is really concerned about. This time: Bullying.

I thought we had all these great union teachers with all their benefits in charge of classrooms; shouldn’t they have watched our kids for us and ended bully years ago? I guess we just need to pay them more.

I think Obama’s main problem with bullying, though, is that it’s the only way to get him to do anything. Remember when we had to bully Obama into continuing the Bush tax cuts? And we had to bully him to making a statement supporting pro-democracy Iranian demonstrators? And then we had to bully him into not having civilian terrorist trials in New York City? Though it’s hard to imagine, without bullying Obama would be even worse.

So we must call on Republicans to bully Obama even more. Wedgies, purple nurples, Facebook harassment — whatever kids do these days. With enough psychological trauma, maybe we can keep Obama from being completely and utterly awful. Or we could cause him to snap and shoot everybody… but those are the risks.

Better Days for the Middle East

So there’s supposed to be a “day of rage” planned for Saudi Arabia today. Do they really need a “day of rage” over in the Middle East — isn’t that just Tuesday for them? Here’s some possible more useful days for them:

* Day of Quiet Reflection
* Day of Hugs
* Day of Not Obsessing So Much About the Jews
* Day of Singing Kumbaya
* Day of Laughing and Smiling
* Day of Really Thinking About How Our Behavior and Attitudes Have Led to So Much Violence and Held Back Our Whole Region
* Day of Skipping
* Day of Kittens and Puppies
* Day of at Least Trying to Improve Things So that the Rest of the World Back in the Early 1900s Wouldn’t Look Down on Us as Backwards
* Day of Ice Cream

Then again, I guess the idea is for the rage to be directed at their corrupt leadership instead of the usual stupid things they’re raging about over there, so maybe it’s not so much there’s too little rage over there as they just need to find better targets for it.

A War Analogy? How Uncivil!

On MSNBC, one of Wisconsin’s Runaway Democrats said that “this is our Pearl Harbor“.

My first thought was that it was actually more like that bunker in Berlin. Heck, I’ll bet there’s already a “Downfall” parody video somewhere on YouTube.

But then I realized he’s right. It is their Pearl Harbor.

Like the Japanese, they stormed in and caused a lot of damage, but in the end, they’re going to lose.

Random Thoughts

If you pontificate about your concerns for democracy only when you’re not getting your way, then you’re not that concerned about democracy.

You’d think in this day and age they’d better build couches so the remote won’t slip between the cushions.