The Declining Quality of Criminals

Here’s an interesting article on how pickpocketing is disappearing as it’s something that takes skill and practice and today’s criminals are too lazy and stupid for it. I’m not sure how concerned to get in the declining quality of criminals. It means we’ll never actually see supercriminals as criminals aren’t going to engage in anything more complicated than hitting someone over the head and grabbing money. They’re probably even too lazy to put on clown makeup before a crime.

I think it’s just too easy to make a living doing legal things these days. In the least, you might as well just get welfare instead of directly robbing people and it takes even less effort. If making a living were a bit harder, then you might have smarter people turn to crime and rob banks with freeze rays and themed henchman. So that’s a side-effect of prosperity — really really dumb lazy criminals. It’s hardly even worth Batman’s time. I mean, billions in gadgets and all he ever runs into are a couple stupid thugs who only require a punch to the face.

Oh, I hope out of boredom he doesn’t turn to crime!

Gas Prices and the Future

Gas prices sure are getting higher. I remember more fanfare about that during Bush’s presidency, but now that there is a Democrat in office, the media probably figures high gas prices are good as it will force us all to get hybrids. Still, I think gas prices would have to reach $50 a gallon before buying a Chevy Volt would make economic sense.

Why don’t we just drill here in the U.S.? Drilling for oil really isn’t just for angry Middle Eastern countries; we can do it too. Then, when there is big unrest in the Middle East (because it’s Wednesday), we can say, “Oh, how quaint. Interesting fact: That has absolutely no effect on our drilling operations here in America.”

We’ll probably one day we’ll need to find a power source more abundant than oil, but my guess is it will also be even more explosive. That’s just how tech works; the more advanced things get, the more potential for explosions. Like, back in caveman time, all they had were a couple sharpened rocks tied to sticks. Those never exploded. Then again, cavemen also couldn’t automatically record their favorite TV shows and them watch them at their leisure. So trade offs.

Obama Is Not a Good President

Obama is not very good at being president. I wish I could give more constructive criticism, but he just really sucks at it. His best course of action would be to resign and hope someone better takes over, but maybe he’s afraid no one else will give him another job after they saw how he did as president.

“I’m not going to let you manage this Arby’s. You’ll just stand around useless when there’s a crisis such as us running out of Horsey Sauce.”

Not only is he is a bad president and a bad choice to manage an Arby’s, he’s not even a very good person. Like if you had an opening for someone to be a person and were interviewing candidates, I don’t think Obama would get that job. A well-trained German Shepherd would probably be chosen over him. Yeah, a German Shepherd doesn’t make an ideal person as it can’t talk or operate a doorknob, but it at least appears to be aware of its surroundings and care for other people. These are qualities we like in a person that a German Shepherd has and Obama lacks. Plus, I’ve seen no real evidence that Obama knows how to operate a doorknob.

Anyway, my point is that come 2012, we should probably get someone else as president who doesn’t suck so much. We have like 300,000,000 people in America, and my guess is that most of them would make a better president than Obama. You’d think we’d want the best of the best to be president, but I’d settle for someone not in the bottom 10% in being president. There could be a slogan for the 2012 Republican presidential candidate: “The odds of him being worse than Obama are extremely low to the point that they should be disregarded.” A little clunky, but I think it gets the point across.

Random Thoughts

Why are rock singers always rebelling against enunciation?

Why is it “Ides of March”? Pretty sure it’s just one ide.

Save a military hero

Don’t lose sight of the fact there are two Obamas in the White House.

There’s the man of the house. And there’s her husband, Barack.

Now, just in case you’re thinking I’m out of line by picking on the First Lady, keep in mind that Michelle (or, “M’Sel” in her native Klingon) isn’t running around planting trees or cutting the ribbon on department stores. She’s running around telling you what you can eat. It’s part of the Nanny State mentality of the left.

Anyway, she’s now got a new notch on her belt. And it’s a two-for-one: She’s winning her control of your dinner plate, and putting a military icon out of business.

Yes, there are fears that Cap’n Crunch will lose his job.

That bowl of wonderfulness that cuts the inside of your mouth to little pieces in the most delightfully painful way may soon be no more.

Think about that. Your children … or your children’s children … may not be able to enjoy a bowl of Cap’n Crunch. Not regular Cap’n Crunch (my favorite). Not Peanut Butter Crunch (poor Smedley). Not Crunch Berries.

Now, Quaker Oats is denying reports that the cereal is going away. But I gotta wonder. Is this simply the first step to erase our childhoods?

We must take action to ensure that Cap’n Crunch remains available for generations to come. Dentists, tooth fairies, and children’s happiness all depend on Cap’n Crunch remaining a daily part of a wholly-unbalanced breakfast.