Small Monsters

This is terrifying: a gang of feral cats the size of dogs is attacking people in Australia.

Ever notice how to domesticate the dog they made it calmer and more social, but to domesticate the cat they made it… smaller. That’s what a house cat is: This thing with weird lizard eyes, sharp teeth, and retractable claws (?!) that’s just too small to kill us. You take one of those and make it the size of a pit bull and suddenly you’ve gone from pet to literal monster. You know what a cat the size of a dog is? It’s a tiger — except without the nice temperament.

Here’s a horror scenario: Suddenly all house cats become the size of dogs. Tell me that wouldn’t be at least ten times worse than a zombie apocalypse.

Reminder: Conceal Carry Is Not Theoretical

A bill to allow conceal carry on campus had passed the House in Idaho. That seems to me a good reason to make sure Buttercup goes to a local college instead of one that would make her defenseless. Of course, lots of people don’t see it that way and are freaking out saying everyone is going to start shooting each other.

Here’s a point we can’t make frequently enough: Conceal carry is no longer theoretical. There are 40 states with right to carry. There are plenty of campuses where conceal carry is currently allowed. That means you can’t just mouth off about what you think is going to happen when conceal carry is allowed in a new area. It doesn’t matter what you think is going to happen because there are plenty of real-world examples. We’ve had conceal carry for decades. If all the horrible scenarios gun control advocates dream up had any basis any reality, they should be able to point to tons of examples by now. So either point to a real world example to argue with or shut up.

Again, two options when arguing against conceal carry:

1) Point to an actual example of conceal carry leading to people shooting each other that you want to avoid.
2) Shut up and admit that your fears have never come true in reality and thus you have a poor understanding of human behavior which means its best you excuse yourself from all political discussions.

Simple, yo.

Eventual Action on Libya

I guess we’re in a new mode of operations now. Instead of being the leader of the free world, when bad things are happening and people need our help, we wait for the U.N. to do something. That means more people get slaughtered while we wait for the U.N. to go through its motions, but the end result is you get U.N. approval. Which, I dunno, I guess is worth something for political cover.

Guess what: U.N. approval, baby!

I like how the vote was 10-0 with China and Russia abstaining. Like they know that Qdaffy is a loon and super unpopular, but actually taking a vote to stop slaughtering protesters would just be too out of character for them. Gotta keep the evil cred.

So what now? Qdaffy had really been successful at stomping out the rebels while we sat back and watched, so hopefully it’s not too little too late. The way Obama is going about this is pretty much the opposite of the more proactive peace strategy I outlined in Nuke the Moon. If we were following that strategy, a long time ago Qdaffy would have died from natural causes: Piranha bites. Because when dictators are loons, sometimes piranhas fall out of the sky and bite them to death. It just happens; it’s not like America has anything to do with it. Even if the piranhas had little American flags on them.

Random Thoughts

I should note that Buttercup is one quarter potato-licking drunkard.

Every time I see the movie title “The Lincoln Lawyer”, I wonder if it’s a sequel to “The Rural Juror.”

I’m confused by this NYT paywall; how much will I get paid to read Krugman?

Saint Patrick wasn’t an actual saint. In fact, most historians believe he was really a monkey.

You have to be careful with Irish history because of the lack of non-drunk observers.

Never paid attention to March Madness, but I always get hyped for April Angriness.

Helen Thomas is in the April issue of Playboy? I do not like the sound of that.

Do people still pay for issues of Playboy? I’ve heard rumors you can find nudie pictures for free on the internets.

What you can’t get for free on the internet: Interviews with Helen Thomas. Wait; yes you can. You just wouldn’t.