Gas Prices and the Future

Gas prices sure are getting higher. I remember more fanfare about that during Bush’s presidency, but now that there is a Democrat in office, the media probably figures high gas prices are good as it will force us all to get hybrids. Still, I think gas prices would have to reach $50 a gallon before buying a Chevy Volt would make economic sense.

Why don’t we just drill here in the U.S.? Drilling for oil really isn’t just for angry Middle Eastern countries; we can do it too. Then, when there is big unrest in the Middle East (because it’s Wednesday), we can say, “Oh, how quaint. Interesting fact: That has absolutely no effect on our drilling operations here in America.”

We’ll probably one day we’ll need to find a power source more abundant than oil, but my guess is it will also be even more explosive. That’s just how tech works; the more advanced things get, the more potential for explosions. Like, back in caveman time, all they had were a couple sharpened rocks tied to sticks. Those never exploded. Then again, cavemen also couldn’t automatically record their favorite TV shows and them watch them at their leisure. So trade offs.


  1. Other things that do not affect drilling operation here:

    Carnival in Brazil
    Soccer games in Chile
    Stoning of disobedient women in Pakistan
    Watermelon seed spitting in Ireland
    Groveling in Britain
    homosexual sex between jugo chavez and sawn penn in vuvuzuela.

  2. “Seems like there is a lot of energy in the sun and the wind and nature in general”

    It only seems that to morons. Anyone who looks at reality realizes very early on that you can’t run our ecomomy on it.

  3. We could get a bunch of obese people running on hamster wheels to generate power? It would give us energy AND reduce obesity. You could probably make a reality TV show out of that, too.

  4. Just a few years ago, they discovered massive deposits of natural gas here in the NY/PA border area.
    – Pennsylvania’s response: Drill, baby, drill
    – New York’s response: Augment normal paralysis with hysteria from the NYT. Debate merits of mixed martial arts instead.

  5. “…one day we’ll need to find a power source more abundant than oil”

    Didn’t we solve this weeks ago with the discovery of the combustibility of hippies? We know there’s a huge supply in Berkley and we don’t even have to drill.

  6. “I think gas prices would have to reach $50 a gallon before buying a Chevy Volt would make economic sense.”
    You are easy then.

    The volt suffers from the same fatal mistake as all other American cars. They were produced by the uaw
    My next car was to be a Toyota minivan this fall. Guess I will have to rethink that one.

  7. Terry_Jim Best friend in High School had the exact same car with a 440 4 bbl, Hurst Shifter and Headers. It was the coolest car I have ever driven! With headers un-capped, and the foot slammed to the floor it sounded like a beast from Hell!!! It also had an 8 track and we’d play Bye Bye American Pie all the time on it!!!!

  8. “ussjimmycarter, I’ve heard that the Volts come with a free charger,
    make them give you this one.”

    All that work, and he left that awful chrome luggage rack on the trunk. w…t…f….

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