Random Thoughts

Obama remains cool and collected in a crisis, much like a lamppost.

RIP Nate Dogg, composer of one of my favorite country songs: “My Tractor Is All I Need”. I don’t know who Nate Dogg is.

Nate Dogg sounds like Randy Jackson critiquing someone named Nate. “Nate Dogg, little pitchy.”

I am not satisfied in my level of smugness.

I think many people underestimate how important science is to physics.

Someone want to argue for setting orphans on fire so I can bravely take a stand against you?

Really seems like anyone could do my job if given the same education, years of experience, and intelligence.

The Ghostbusters logo was based on the original Planned Parenthood logo (though that had a baby on it instead of a ghost).

I don’t care if someone calls himself a liberal or a conservative as long as what he says confirms my own prejudices.

There’s a competition idea: Get prominent liberals and conservative and see who can more convincingly argue the other side.

Kind of seems like the doing nothing strategy with Libya is getting the expected result.

iPad by far the best computer to use while rocking a baby to sleep.

At what age do children learn to like things ironically?

Why don’t we meet back here in a month and read a nicely typed report on whether the nuclear plant damage was a huge catastrophe or not?


  1. I am not satisfied in my level of smugness.

    Really? You will certainly never attain the level of smugness held by our dear Lamppost in Chief. He’s smug just by existing!

    Someone want to argue for setting orphans on fire so I can bravely take a stand against you?

    We should set all orphans on fire because Obama will do nothing about it.

    Really seems like anyone could do my job if given the same education, years of experience, and intelligence.

    Frank, what do you do? Just saying “engineer” isn’t good enough. That reminds me, do you think Obama would tell a Libyan rebel he does “light political consulting”?

    Kind of seems like the doing nothing strategy with Libya is getting the expected result.

    It’s working like a charm. And it’s not bothering me at all!

    Why don’t we meet back here in a month and read a nicely typed report on whether the nuclear plant damage was a huge catastrophe or not?

    Ask Obama that question and he won’t respond. Because he’s a lamppost.

    Ask Obam’s administration that question and they’ll throw iodide tablets in your face.

    Random thought: It’s bad enough when Obama tries to strip our freedoms and screws around like a drunken redneck with our economy. But we have a reputation abroad, damn it, of being one of few countries gutsy enough to stand up to quacks without caring about the opinions of idiotic U.N. apologists. Watching this man destroy it by saying one thing while doing nothing has been one of the most frustrating experiences of my life.

  2. Good news, everyone: We’re now mulling air strikes on Libya. I’m sure the remaining rebels are grateful to hear that – especially after hearing their tyrant “must go” from President Obama!

    It’s great when America stands up for freedom!

  3. Random thought: Calling Obama our Lampost-In-Chief is an insult to lamposts everywhere. Unlike Obama, they actually serve an important function. I’m still trying to figure out what function, other than destroy our liberties, waste our treasure and generally trash our country Obama serves.

    Another random thought: I’ve seen a lot of lampost all of a sudden go dark through the years. Is it bad timing that their bulbs go bad when I’m near or am I emanating some mysterious force that kills lampost bulbs? I’d rather think the latter. It’s like I’m to lamposts what Obama is to the Nation.

    “Why don’t we meet back here in a month and read a nicely typed report on whether the nuclear plant damage was a huge catastrophe or not?”

    What, and miss a golden opportunity to run around in circles screaming “The Plutonions are coming, the Plutonians are coming!” It’s only a matter of time before we’re invaded by Plutonians you know, I hear they’re pretty angry at us for demoting Pluto from planet to “not quite a planet, more like a really big moon or something.”

  4. There’s a competition idea: Get prominent liberals and conservative and see who can more convincingly argue the other side.
    A liberal can’t argue their way out of a wet paper bag, so why should we make Obama’s points for him?
    Obama remains cool and collected in a crisis, much like a lamppost.
    Obama uses only 13 watts of energy to produce the same amount of intelligence as a 60 watt incandescant bulb. But on the downside, he contains volatile socialism. And mercury.

  5. Obama is the House Sparrow in Chief. He was introduced to this country by naive people, he has a harsh tone of voice when speaking frankly, and he trashes his surroundings (House Sparrows are the real culprits behind dirty sidewalks). Whereas the song of the Bluebird or the text of the Constitution make most Americans happy, they make House Sparrows and Obama angry. Vicious attacks on the Bluebird and the Constitution invariably follow.

    I apologize to those of you less obsessed with the bird world.

  6. Obama is like a lamppost. A very, very dim lamppost.

    Now he says he’s thinking about air strikes. Any president who is too stupid to take advantage of a situation where we could eliminate a decades long enemy of the US with almost zero danger to our own troops, where indigenous forces would do all the ground fighting, should be expelled to France. If even they’d have him.

  7. The other thing that occurred to me this morning is… Where are the Japanese hasmat robots at the Fukushima nuclear plant? How come we haven’t heard about this? I wanna see live robot TV inside the plant!

  8. Coldguy: What Points would anyone make in support of Liberalism? You can’t Help Obama with his talking points. Its not like liberalism has any intellectual basis. Don’t believe me, ask a liberal why they believe what they believe and how they came to that conclusion. Try to ask them questions about their reasoning.

    Arguing from a Liberal’s perspecitve a simple matter of assuming everyone who disagrees with you is a stupid, racist, christian religious zealot, with hateful, greedy and evil motives.

    Conservative: We are Bankrupt
    Liberal: You are greedy.
    C: Abortion is wrong
    L: You hate women.
    C: Individuals should be free to make thier own decisions
    L: You don’t care about others
    C: We should have equality before the Law
    L: You are a racist if you don’t think we need to treat Black people differently because of the legacy of slavery.
    C: I do not think Gays should Marry
    L: you are an intolerant Christain Fanatic

    Liberals will do nearly anything to avoid a discussion of what they believe – because really they don’t believe in anything but getting thier own way, and hating anyone who says they can’t.

  9. We most certinaly should set orphans on fire. I mean, it’s obvious that they are so ugly and undesirable that their parents would rather die than raise them, so why should we be burdened with fugly kids? They’ll just grow up embittered and wracked with depression and angst, making them prime candidates as cogs in the liberal anger machine. It would be a grand service to the great society!

    Also, if we do it properly, we could burn them in some sort of oven, and use them to fuel electrical plants, thus obliviating the need to pesky coal and oil. And Nukes? Fageddahboutit. Disgusting orphans, just always begging for attention. Why, it makes me want to kick puppies squish kittens, I tell ya!

  10. O-bah-muhh remains cool and collected, much like a mushroom in the root cellar.

    Nate Dogg: At least ONE Dogg goes to Heaven. Nate Dogg, running with the Big Doggz now. Snoop Dogg obviously needs more Obedience Training.

    Not satisfied with your level of smugness? Perhaps you could apprentice for Donald Trump, or O-bah-muhh. Their smugness is off the charts.

    There remains the age old question: What came first, the Science!, or the Physics!?

    O-bah-muhh ‘standing with you’ is like a Cigar Store Indian standing with you.

    Planned Parenthood: Fetus Fatalities Facility, Embryo Extinction Edifice, Banned Baby Births Bureau

    Regarding MarcoMancuso’s House Sparrow-in-Chief remarks: House Sparrows think they’re so much better than Field Sparrows………That’s RAAAAACIST!

  11. #8 – Son of Bob,
    I was hunting ‘Casey the Punisher’ videos at the Blaze and You tube earlier tonight.
    Taiwan’s NMA News even has an animated version out.

    Others have been set to music, redone as Mortal Combat videos, or had that “This Is Sparta!” line dubbed in.
    Someone even made a Facebook page dedicated to the video.
    Google is going to have a harder time deleting these than they did trying to scrub those ‘Downfall’ Hitler rant videos.
    I feel like cheering!

  12. If the reactor goes super nuclear, will it melt a hole through the earth and come out the other side? And where is that exactly? That might be a problem that Obama would care about…oh yea…there would be a pick-up BBall game so nevermind…

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