We Need More Bullying

When there are huge crises both foreign and domestic, we can count on Obama to not care about any of that and focus on some issue no one is really concerned about. This time: Bullying.

I thought we had all these great union teachers with all their benefits in charge of classrooms; shouldn’t they have watched our kids for us and ended bully years ago? I guess we just need to pay them more.

I think Obama’s main problem with bullying, though, is that it’s the only way to get him to do anything. Remember when we had to bully Obama into continuing the Bush tax cuts? And we had to bully him to making a statement supporting pro-democracy Iranian demonstrators? And then we had to bully him into not having civilian terrorist trials in New York City? Though it’s hard to imagine, without bullying Obama would be even worse.

So we must call on Republicans to bully Obama even more. Wedgies, purple nurples, Facebook harassment — whatever kids do these days. With enough psychological trauma, maybe we can keep Obama from being completely and utterly awful. Or we could cause him to snap and shoot everybody… but those are the risks.


  1. How is he going to shoot anyone? He doesn’t know how to operate a gun. Don’t be a cowardly Rebublican dunce, Frank, bully the weakling! Bully him today! Bully him tomorrow! Bully him forever!

  2. Why teachers haven’t ended bullying?

    Over the past three weeks we saw that teachers think angry shouting, physically violent behavior, and death threats are “Democratic process.” They also think that running away is “Democratic process.”

    We’ve seen time and again that liberals will countenance every sort of mayhem to advance their agenda, but will fold and run away when actually confronted. That’s a pretty good description of a bully, no?

    They don’t see playground bullies; they see themselves. Stop that kind of behavior? Why would they?

  3. Is it redundant to hang a “kick me” sign on his back if he still has a bucket stuck on his head? Maybe this is why he doesn’t take the bucket off his head – it protects against a swirlie! It also hides his HUGE EARS! I mean look at those things! Just don’t make it obvious that you’re checking them out, or Michelle will come and kick your ass. And since I’m on the subject, does the first lady’s ass have it’s own senator? I think she’s guilty of bullying that pantsuit!

  4. Bullying isn’t covered under the union contract. If you want teachers to break up bullying, you’ll need to increase their pay by $5,000.00 a year and provide incintive bonuses, like a $500.00/incident duty pay.

    But in regards to Obama, I think we should give him a break. The bullying speech was obviously a desperate cry for help, to save him from Michelle.

  5. The problem is the anti bulling bull. When I got out of teaching they were enforcing the zero-tolerance for fighting. What happened is that the little freaks who used to get pounded for running their mouths were now free to run their mouths. Good kids didn’t want to get in trouble so they just let the ED/LD/ADD/ADDHD/ODD/ WXYZ IEP Kids (the ones who used to get kicked out of school bunch)run wild and bully anyone and evey one. A good butt kicking would straighten most of the so called bullies out. Back in the olden days I beat up a couple of bullies just because I could and I’ll be I still could if my deacon board would let me.

  6. If I was a teacher and someone gave ole smart mouth a knuckle sandwich, I’d call him over to my desk after class and tell him he’s getting an A so far as long as he keeps it up! Then we’d discuss nad punches and wedgies and heads stuck in the toilet and other really fun stuff. I’d also suggest that he go home and post on Facebook that Bigmouth has a small weener! Extra credit and all…

  7. EdthePastor is correct. With zero tolerance, the person standing up to the bully will be in just as much trouble, or more, with school authorities. This has infected the workplace, too. My God-daughter was fired from a job for slapping a jerk who grabbed her ass. Zero tolerance. (The jerk was fired too, small consolation.)

  8. we can count on Obama to not care about any of that and focus on some issue no one is really concerned about.

    This time: Bullying.

    Next Time: The Heartbreak of Psoriasis.

    Next Time:
    Why Is One Side Of The “V” Formation
    Of A Flock Of Geese,
    Longer Than The Other Side?

    A blue ribbon panel of Nobel!Lauriates! will convene and determine the answer:
    There are more geese on that side.

  9. You want bullying? I’ll give you bullying! I’ll even throw in some genocide if you like! I just wish Saddam was still here to give me some moral support…..Muammar Gaddafi, killin’ more Arabs then G. Bush ever thought of, Libya.

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