Public Right, Private Left

So the Palin emails has been kind of a bust for the left. If anything, it’s helped Palin because it’s reminded everyone of the Palin people liked in the first place: the down to earth, pragmatic politician who would take on her own party when needed.

But the left were so certain they’d find something. Why? Because they know if anyone got a hold of their personal email, they would not come off as well. Remember all the stuff found in that JurnoList? And with the “bitter clinger” rhetoric we see Obama use when he think’s he’s only talking to San Francisco donors, what a treasure trove his private emails would be.

I think that’s the reason the left is always look for “dog whistles”; they have so much hidden meaning in their own rhetoric they assume everyone else does it to. Like how they talk about “common sense gun control” when they really want to confiscate all firearms or the “public option” when they want a government takeover of healthcare. Conservatives, on the other hand, tell you exactly what they want. That’s why Rush Limbaugh has always been so popular: He just states plainly what conservatives believe. No hidden meanings. And that’s why liberals don’t do well on talk radio — they don’t want to state plainly what they believe because it scares even themselves at time. When a liberal says exactly what he believes, it’s a huge flub, like Obama “share the wealth” comment to Joe the plumber.

And that’s really a lot of the political battle for the right: What we’re trying to do is inform the public of exactly what the left is up to. And when we succeed, we win the political fight. Man, that would be so much easier if we had their private emails.


  1. Alaska is one of those useless states that disguises itself as part of the U.S. All the more reason for real American states to secede from this union of socialists states. They don’t follow their own law because the parasites may lose out sticking the rest of us with moocowski. They try to give a bunch of marxists ammunition against a true conservative in Palin. Just like the marxists did everything they could to harm the state while Palin was govenor. Although she did the right thing and resigned, thus saving the state the expenses.
    Is hard to joke about the marxists, they are evil and should be shot into the sun.
    I think Scott Walker should release the emails of all marxists from Wisconsin and all republican goveneors should do the same for all the marxists in their states as well. Then we will see who is hiding the picture of their weiners and who is looking out for America!

  2. I’ll bet there are photos of Hillary sending back Twitters of her Wiener and nads which put Wieners wiener to shame! I, however do NOT want to see those photos. EVER! Do not publish those or even talk about them Mr. Brietbart! I will throw up in my mouth a little every time you do!

  3. That’s why the left is always accusing the right of being secret racists and war mongers and what-not. They fully expect to find that sort of stuff in the right’s private email because the left knows that they themselves are more extreme than how they present to the public.

    In their own minds, the left are the pinacle of morality and no one could be more honest or virtuous than they, ergo, the right must be hiding thier extreme views as well.

    The left and the right are not a dichotomy. We are not flip sides of the same coin. We aren’t even having the same conversation. They can try to draw parllels between our their behavior and ours, but we should not fall into the same trap.

  4. Wow someone actually reads Frank’s columns. And just as I was about to comment that #7 was bat scat looney, he demonstrated sanity. Darn. So much 4 fun ths WEEK !!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. Fox News only hires shills for the RINO”s within the GOP/RNC! They would have Frank J down in the basement with his nads hooked to a car battery after the first day! So, what was that you said about Mitt Romney, Mr. Flemming? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAP!

  6. We had a nice little look at lefty’s E-mails when the JournOlist trove came out. They did not look good but nothing changed. We see Congressman Weiner’s wiener and still nothing changes. I think it will take Napalm to change things.

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