Random Thoughts

“Close the box; I haven’t made up my mind yet.” -Schrodinger’s half-alive/half-dead cat

Is it bad sign when you’re off-brand bottled water says “Shake Well Before Drinking”?

Don’t be prudes about Weiner. It’s uncivilized to care if someone acts like an animal.

If we started sending the British foreign aid, would they be able to have a decent number of episodes per season for their TV shows?

I love the Sarah Palin email headlines. “Sarah Palin emails: Exxon’s stalling tactics called ‘outrageous'” Shocking!

Would be very curious to see Obama’s emails while a legislator. Does have a habit of changing what he says considering who he’s talking to.

I like the email Palin. Reminds of the Palin I liked in the first place that seems to have gotten lost in the celebrity.

So, for those still defending Weiner, you’re weirdos… even for Democrats.

I found a typo in an episode description of Twin Peaks on Netflix. Who do I tell? I already informed the FBI.

The left are very certain there’s dirt in the Palin emails because they know how shocking their own private emails would be if made public.

So have they found any instances yet where Palin referred to an attached document and forgot to attach it?

I’d have to have a million in the bank before I’d consider it financially responsible to buy a popcorn, drink, and candy at the theater.


  1. Is it bad sign when you’re off-brand bottled water says “Shake Well Before Drinking”?

    As part of my desire for honest business practices, I’m going to create a bottled water company called Scam.

    Would be very curious to see Obama’s emails while a legislator. Does have a habit of changing what he says considering who he’s talking to.

    You’ll have to look through the VENONA decrypts to find Obama’s emails.

  2. It should be pointed out that retraction is not viable defense for Weiner.

    Safe sex for Anthony Weiner means he uses a chinstrap on his hat when he tweets.

    The expensive bottled water in Pa. has built in charcoal filters and a fire suppression system.

  3. Don’t be prudes about Weiner. It’s uncivilized to care if someone a liberal acts like an animal. (fixed it for me)

    If we started sending the British foreign aid, would they be able to have a decent number of episodes per season for their TV shows?

    Theirs is really socialized TV, so when you think about it, if we sent them money, they’d actually make fewer TV shows.

    I found a typo in an episode description of Twin Peaks on Netflix. Who do I tell? I already informed the FBI.

    Well, if Netflix handles it the same way as the backlash against their new webdesign, they will quite literally tell you that you need to get used to it. (Note to Netflix: According to Frank J.’s online crazimeter, only the tiniest fraction of the nearly 5,000 complaints on your blog come from crazies.)

  4. I found a typo in an episode description of Twin Peaks on Netflix. Who do I tell? I already informed the FBI.

    That sounds kind of like how every episode summary for Doctor Who on Netflix refers to the Doctor as “Doctor Who.”

  5. Obama is doing so poorly the dems want to replace with Weiner for 2012, with Eric “Gunrunner”? Holder as veep. Wiener/Holder 2012 !!!!

    Forget the Palin emails, i want Obama’s released. some real comedy gold there.

    I’d be fearful of any water that needed shaking before drinking. Unless it was mixing with heavy water. And you are the Incredible Hulk.

  6. “Don’t be prudes about Weiner. It’s uncivilized to care if someone acts like an animal.”

    A 47 year old congressman is following 17 year old girls on Twitter and having discussions with them about their infatuation with him, but it’s okay because Weiner assured us that there is “nothing inappropriate” about that.

  7. If there are not absolutes then all behavior is relative. No morals no behavior is amoral. No evil not evil men. If your have no grounding in reality then you can excuse any CRAZY THING YOU SAY. STINKING CLINGERS! BIG F’ING DEAL. I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN. I DID NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE. I THOUGHT SHE WANTED TO BE LEFT IN THE SUBMERGED CAR.

  8. I dunno if this is related, but I’m crazy, so it doesn’t matter. If it helps, imagine that this message is in CAPS.

    I stumbled upon something while reading — I mean crowd sourcing — a NY Post article:
    – Weiner’s ex-girlfriends: gorgeous
    – Weiner’s twitter friends: hot
    – Huma: dog (I hadn’t seen pictures of her before)
    Weiner dates babes, marries a politically connected dog, and then seeks online sex with babes. Coincidence?

  9. So Ed must be bat scat crazy. I mean really any one that believes that weiner is not the most moral soul ever to walk the earth must be one of them crazy right wing God fearing, gun clinging, nutjobs. /harry reid


    Iz nedz new monitorz now!!!!11!

  10. Random Thoughts:

    It sucks when you go to a concert to see one of your favorite bands, and they’ve been deported.

    How is it Obama’s administration can managed to keep out a punk band from Canada that lterally DOZENS of people wanted to see, yet can’t managed to keep out one shrieking harpy who wants to destroy the world.

    Yes, I mean you, Celine Dion.

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