Show Your Support for Waterboarding

Author Michael Z. Williamson has a new t-shirt out so you can show your support for waterboarding. Waterboarding is what helped us find bin Laden so Obama could personally charge into bin Laden’s compound and shoot him. It also helped us learn new terror plots from KSM. And best of all, it was fun to do!


  1. Nice t-shirt.

    Waterboarding appears to work everytime it’s tried.
    All all of Obama’s peeps should be waterboarded. Not for information, although they will be singing like canaries underwater, but just because it’s fun!, as Frank J. says.

  2. So if Waterboarding is bad…how much worse do you suppose WienerBoarding might be? Someone had to get the Wiener into this post and I figured I’d put IMAO on my shoulders one more time and carry you guys! You are getting mighty heavy though, I must say…

  3. As designated IMAO Alter Knacker (by Crabby Old Bat), I hereby christen (crown?) ussjimmycarter as “Head Wiener Boarder MoFo In Charge” (HWBMFIC). Here is your board sir, and your hose. (*booing, hissing* Hey! Knock it off!!)

    In celebration, we may new all eat bacon and drink beer. Me, I’m having a really good Flemish ale. Cheers.

  4. Waaay off topic:
    I saw that new X-men movie today.
    It was the most racist, sexist, misogynistic, border-line pedophiliac POS I ever wasted the price of admission on.
    I know it was supposed to take place in the 60’s, so they may have been trying to recapture that creepy Mad Men vibe (you remember, where all our parents did in the 60’s was drink, cheat their business partners and sleep around?) but it failed to impress me.

    Spoiler Alert!!! – 1. The black guy dies!
    2. The only funny line was when Charles Xavier and Magneto try to recruit an unidentified but clearly recognizable Wolverine in a bar and he says, “Why don’t you guys ****-off?”

    Now that I’ve spoiled to for you, you can save your money for something more worth-while – like a water-boarding T shirt; that’s how disappointed I am.

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