Why we shouldn’t forgive Weiner

Should we forgive Anthony Weiner?


Why not?

He hasn’t asked for forgiveness.

Really, he hasn’t.

Oh, I know why you’re confused. You’re thinking about this whole texting pics of his tallywhacker. Forget that silliness. We should be angry with Weiner for other stuff.

Remember this from a couple of months ago?

[Direct link]

Frank posted it a couple of months ago. It deserves a rerun.


  1. Perhaps he can get a waiver from his fellow Dems for twittering photos of his schwartz all over the internet…but I doubt it. Not only is he a pervert, he is a hip-o-crit of the first order.

  2. I know this has nothing to do with anything…but I haven’t slept much lately.

    Suggestions from Amazon.com on the left of my screen at this very moment:
    Liberal Fascism for $2.75
    Liberal Fascism for $11.78
    Tone’s Sweet Basil 5.5 oz. for $7.95
    WWE T-shirt for $24.50
    Liberal Fascism for $18.20

    Seriously, what?

    I did, however, find it more amusing than weinergate pics…so there is that I guess. :/

  3. Sorry Basil we have to forgive. HOWEVER, one who continues to sin we are to treat like a tax collector. Throwing him out of office has nothing to do with forgiveness. I’m sure there is a moral code of conduct for congressmen somewhere and showing your beef jerky has to be a violation of that.

  4. I would expect about TODAY we will start hearing stories of how most American’s mail pictures of their wieners around the internet and that Wiener just happened to get caught. So essentially, Wiener is a victim and he must stay in office “because of the children”…

  5. Ed:
    About the pecker pics, let the wife and voters handle it. It’s that “pass Obamacare but give me a waiver” thing that I got the problem.

    We had lots if fun with Weiner’s wiener … so to speak … but he really should be catching crap for Obamacare and the waiver.

  6. Ergo, the proper thing to do is to beat Obamacare with a stick. I’m for that – as long as we beat everyone who voted for it, and all those who voted for them and Obama with a stick, too.

  7. Boatloads of sticks. Hell, supertankers full of sticks. Okay, those are for liquids. How about dozens of container ships full of containers full of imported sticks made in China. I don’t care where they come from. Bring on the sticks.

    The Republican Party is so ******!!!

  8. Ed, I’m with Burmashave. Forgive him, sure. Forget? Never. He is a serial liar in addition to being a liberal, Obamacare-waiving, hypocritical tax-and-spending loon. Most politicians will tell half-truths and put a “spin” on facts and leave out half the argument and rely on persuasive analogies that, when examined, are completely off-point. We expect that. This guy will look you right in the eye, tell you the exact opposite of what is true, and then pretend that he is the victim and you are the bully for even questioning him. He should never, ever be trusted with a position of power again. Forgiveness does not require one to volunteer for victimhood. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  9. I have to practice forgiveness much more frequently than I care to admit and quit often without the offending person’s participation. Forgiveness benefits me. Forgetting is impossible w/o traumatic brain injury. People whom I have forgiven are not necessarily put in a place to cause further offense. Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool. I believe a proper paraphrase would be “throw the bum out”

  10. #12 – Basil,
    “We’re gonna need to get a whole sh*tload of sticks.”

    Maybe that’s why the socialist in chief won’t lend Federal aid to stop the wildfires raging in the west? No forests, no lumber; no lumber, no sticks! Guess we’ll just have to ‘hit’em wid’a ‘alf-brick’ instead!

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