Olbermann Video Teaser

What ever happened to Crowder getting full videos ready on Thursday evening? Well, here’s a trailer for his next one which is about Olbermann and guest stars Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, and Hannah Giles:

Kinda feel bad picking on Olbermann now, though. He’s gone to Current TV — I’m not even sure that’s a real TV channel. If Olbermann could convince me to post his videos on IMAO, he’d be more than doubling his audience.

Frank Reads the News

* Mark Halperin, editor-at-large for Time, was suspended indefinitely for calling President Obama a “dick” — even though that’s only the start of things they called Vice President Cheney. Still, there’s no reason for vulgarity; you can accurately describe the president and keep it clean — like call him an “arrogant, utterly useless waste of space.” Be blunt but dignified.

Still, it’s interesting that even the left-wing are apparently getting tired of Obama. He used to be the liberal messiah, and now he’s just the guy who won’t shut up.

* Apparently as soon as the a debt ceiling deal is reached, Timothy Geithner is leaving his job to spend more time not paying taxes. Who will we be able to find that will do as great a job as he did? A bag of hammers? A box turtle? A rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle? Really, seeing the job that guy did, if you were an employer, would you let that guy anywhere near a cash register? You might even just make him a Walmart greeter and suddenly end up millions in debt.

Who am I kidding; how is he going to find a job in this economy?

* President Obama has said talking with Republicans on the debt ceiling is a “conversation not worth having” while at the same time he’s meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood. Kinda par for the course for that guy. I wonder how that conversation will go?

MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: “We hate the West and want to see America destroyed!”

OBAMA: “Bah! You guys are all talk about destroying America. Me, I’m actually doing something about it!”

MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: (whispering to themselves) “What a…”

* Dick Durbin said that an illegal alien could be a future president. Well, that would be one way to get President Obama to finally do something about illegal immigration: Make him think they’re coming after his job. Of course, having an illegal alien as president isn’t anywhere near as scary a thought as another four years of Obama. I mean, those guys pick lettuce; they have to have at least some practical experience.

* Glenn Beck’s final show aired yesterday. He ended it with a heartfelt goodbye just before sealing himself in a bomb shelter with a five year food supply.

* A Harvard study says that if you attend a 4th of July parade, you’re more likely to become a Republican. So obviously taking your kids to 4th of July parades is just part of being a responsible parent.

Isn’t it kind of a problem for Democrats that patriotism is so closely associated with Republicans? If someone is making their choice on who should run the country based on who actually kind of likes the country, that’s really bad news for the left.

* FOX New’s RedEye, which just had its 1000th show, is beating CNN primetime in ratings despite airing at 3am. To me, its the only cable news show worth watching. All of the news show are just so vacuous, but at least RedEye is conscious of the fact. Also, Greg Gutfeld will be one of the people you’ll see in Glenn Beck’s old time slot. I think they’ll keep him on a leash at that hour, but hopefully he’ll be able to bring the unicorn versus griffins debate to a larger audience.

* Wisdom of the Day: “I dated a hippie chick who worked for Human Rights Watch. Ironically, it was torture.” –Neal Brennan

* You had a lot of suggestions for a new name for this segment, so I added them all together and came up with this: “Frank Frank Frankly Franking Frank Frank”. Know what? Your suggestions were all awful. You people are nearly Obama useless. I don’t know why I keep you around.

I did kind of like “What the Frank?” but I probably shouldn’t have a title suggestive of swear words. I also liked “Morning Musket to the Junk” — though no one suggested it — but it also has the light vulgarity problem. So you can try again, but for now I’m keeping the HIGH PRAISE for myself.

I’m such an awesome guy; I don’t even think the human mind can comprehend my awesomeness.

In Case You Miss The Fred

Fred & Jeri Thompson will be guest-hosting Sean Hannity’s radio show today (3-6pm Eastern).

Random Thoughts

Just because your statement is accurate doesn’t make it polite discourse.

Liberals are just angry that Glenn Beck’s show is being ended by his own choice instead of forcefully shut down by the government.

If the British had won, Firefly would have been one of the longest running series at 14 episodes.

If the British had won, instead of summer BBQs, we’d just boil meats outside.

If the British had won, American exceptionalism would be constrained to preposterous women’s hats.

What’s with the wigs in British court rooms? It’s like having a murderer’s fate decided by cartoon characters.

Farewell, Glenn Beck, America’s greatest source of and object of hyperbole.

Testing Shakespeare

Forget the economy. Forget the, what is it now, 4 wars? Or 5 wars? Forget about the high level of unemployment. Forget the high level of taxes.

Some people want to know about the things that are really important. Like if William Shakespeare was a stoner.

There have been articles at Time, Fox News, and other places, about this. And they want to dig up the Bard of Avon to find out.

But really, all you have to do is look at his body of work, compared to the work others, and determine if this is a fool’s errand.

Compare this passage:

To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep, No more.

To this passage:

Dave’s not here.

Okay, let’s compare Shakespeare’s work to something more recent than Cheech and Chong. Like this:

We are such stuff As dreams are made on; and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.

To this

Hope and Change!

Which of these were more likely to have been written … or repeated … by a stoner?

There’s more.

Which is more likely to have been written by a stoner? This:

Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal’d by the same means, warm’d and cool’d by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, do we not revenge?

Or this:

The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines

I don’t think it’s Shakespeare they need to be testing.