Nuke the News

* So, there was that Casey Anthony verdict. I didn’t really follow that, but any time I was visiting my parents in the past couple months, they’d have that news that’s on the TV and usually on that they were talking about the trial. So it was like TV news important, but I pretty much missed on the internet… until the verdict. That’s why I like political blogs and following certain people on Twitter to get my news; they’re good at filtering out all the stuff I don’t really care to hear about. But now we have the verdict, and I think I’m supposed to be outraged but I’m not really sure what’s going on. I’ll go see what Ace of Spades tells me I should think and then I’ll come back and tell you people what to think.

* So Republicans are accusing the stimulus of costing $278,000 per job created. They reached this number by taking how much stimulus has been spent ($666 billion — ominous) and (this is complicated) dividing that by the number of jobs the Obama administration has claimed to have created. Obama has objected to this number, though, because it makes him look bad and was created using math — something that discriminates against women. Lesson for Obama team: Never make numbers available to the public. People will use them to make you look stupid and useless. Instead just say, “Some money was spent and lots of jobs were created!” and never give specifics. And if someone asks about transparency, show them the same statement through an overhead projector.

* President Obama is going to host a Twitter town hall today, answering questions sent to him through Twitter. Just post on Twitter with the tag #AskObama and he might answer your question. Don’t use math in any of your questions or he will send the Secret Service after you.

* The NEA has already come out and endorse Obama for 2012. Apparently they’re pretty panicked as everyone is turning against them, so they’ve come to Obama and said, “Please! Save us from accountability!” To which he says, “Sorry, but I’m too busy saving myself from the exact same thing!

* Apparently, sulfur stops global warming, so the solution is to burn more coal. I was already doing that! In fact, people keep telling me to stop. They’re like, “Frank, stop burning so much coal!” And I’m like, “I like burning stuff and coal burns a long time and get off my lawn or I burn you next!” Why? Because I’m an environmentalist, that’s why.

* Interestingly, the more people know about science, the less they believe in global warming. So if you’re someone with no science background and no science knowledge — like Al Gore — you’re super-sure global warming is real and threat to humanity. If you actually know what science is, you recognize most of the global warming stuff to be more prognostication than actual provable science. Liberals say you’re not supposed to question Science! — that thinking is the enemy of Science! — but of course, independent thinking is the enemy of most of their policies.

* I checked with Ace, and he basically just said “Huh” to the whole Casey Anthony thing, so I guess we bloggers are all kinda stumped on this one. Any of you want to talk about the Wii U instead?

* There are rumors that Apple is about to launch the iPad 2 Plus. It’s just like the regular iPad 2, but you get a free ice cream sandwich with it. STEVE JOBS IS A GENIUS!!!11!!

* Wisdom of the Day: “After all these years, it’s amazing how many pundits cannot comprehend the idea that conservatives might mean what we say.” –Dan McLaughlin

Random Thoughts

It’s always good to know that justice has been considered.