9th Blogiversary Tomorrow – You Owe Me a Dollar!

Yes, IMAO will turn nine tomorrow and enter its 10th year of blogging excellence. Can you believe it’s been nine years? If you can’t, go find the date of the first post on IMAO and compare it to today’s date. Math skills may be required. Anyway, I’m busy tomorrow (it’s a Saturday) so I didn’t know if I’d be able to post then, so I’m posting now.

So what does the ninth blogiversary mean? Well, I looked up the rules, and it means that anyone I ever made laugh owes me a dollar. So, if anything at IMAO ever made you laugh, you need to go the left sidebar, find that PayPal donation button, and send me a dollar. If you don’t, then you’re a thief (I don’t make the rules). And if I never made you laugh, then sending a dollar is optional (though still encouraged). Any and all proceeds from this will go to the Get the Flemings Out of Debt Fund — a good cause I personally feel very strongly for. Oh, and some money may go towards getting Buttercup more hats (BABIES NEED HATS!!!).

So, what are your favorite IMAO memories from the past nine years? Or if your brain’s pretty addled, you can just say your favorite IMAO memories from the past couple days. Or maybe even earlier today. What did you think of that Crowder video?

The Murder Circus!

Crowder decided to hold off on his Olbermann video to release one on Casey Anthony. Since it was done quickly, it’s a bare-bones production that, frankly, is an insult to all his fans. AN INSULT!

Think he made some good points, though — points that would have been much better made with HIGH TECH GRAPHICS!

Coming Soon To Pay-Per-View

From the Daily Caller:

Tim Pawlenty boasted Thursday that despite his nice-guy image, he’s probably been in more hockey fights than anyone else running for president.[emphasis mine]

I would sell all my worldly possession, quit my job, and spend every waking moment campaigning for Tim Pawlenty if he would just promise me that his first act upon being elected President would be to pull Obama’s shirt up over his head and start punching him until he lapsed into a coma.

Nuke the News: The Only Thing Obama Stimulated Was… MURDER!

* Didn’t really get this whole Humberto Leal thing. If one of our citizens went to another country and raped and murdered someone, could you see America making a big stink about the guy’s rights? I mean, no one is saying the guy is innocent, but we’re supposed to care after what he’s done that he didn’t get to talk to a consulate? What was the consulate going to say to him? I hope it would be, “DON’T RAPE AND MURDER PEOPLE!” And when we see the Mexican government doing all they can to help rapists and murderers, it’s not really great PR for the country. They really want to spend more time highlighting the non-rapists and non-murderers. Still, just before dying from lethal injection, Leal shouted, “Viva Mexico!” So they won over one guy.

* So you know how the Democrats have made the Koch brothers their new Emmanuel Goldstein, making them the center of all that’s bad since blaming Bush isn’t working anymore? Well, Democrat Senator Patty Murray still thought she’d send them a fundraising letter asking for a five figure contribution. Two things:

1. How do you know when a liberal doesn’t fundamentally care about something? Answer: They get really worked up about it. Because the only thing liberals get worked up about is partisan nonsense, and it never involves any fundamental beliefs at all. Blaming everything on the Koch brothers — or Bush or Palin — is just a game to them.

2. As I keep pointing out, the U.S. Senate is filled with the dumbest, most useless people in all of America. You could replace them all with crackheads and improve the quality.

* So apparently $10 million of stimulus went to Project Gunrunner. I really wondered how exactly one could spend as much money as Obama did and not create any jobs, but that’s because apparently to him arming Mexican criminals = stimulus. I guess that would create some jobs in crime scene cleanup, but a lot of that was in Mexico. Really makes you wonder where all the rest of the $666 billion in stimulus ended up, but Obama has guaranteed that less than 25% of that money went towards murdering us.

But he’s been known to bend the truth.

* Tim Scott brought up the idea of impeaching Obama if he ignores the debt ceiling. Two things (things always come in twos):

1. I don’t see Obama doing that, because then he’d own the debt and couldn’t blame Republicans at all. He’s too much of a coward for that.

2. Impeachment, as we know, is messy. I’d rather just bully the impotent Obama for a year or so more and wait for the election and just make it clear that, if he’s reelected, then we will impeach him.

* IN THE MAIL: Friend of IMAO, Brian J. Noggle, has a novel out called John Donnelly’s Gold. It’s available on Kindle here and in paperback here.

* Wisdom of the Day: “The NAACP has blasted CNN for a lack of diversity. CNN should blast the NAACP for the same thing.” –Jim Norton

Random Thoughts

“Sensei, how do I do a critical hit for 2X damage?”

Since the term “Giant Panda” is already taken, what do you call a panda that’s 50 feet tall?

If one of our citizens went to another country and raped and murdered someone, I’d hope we’d be apologetic.