Official 9th Blogiversary Post

Here is another post for more reminiscing over the past nine years and more dollar paying. Thanks to all those who have already paid a dollar… and special thanks to those who paid more than that. You can just multiply the amount you paid me by nine and that how many years you’re now good for. If you haven’t paid me the dollar yet for making you laugh, just click on the PayPal link on the sidebar. You don’t want to be thief; if the police find out, they’ll probably just murder you. They really hate humor thieves.

Man, I have written quite a lot over these nine years and probably have forgotten most of it. I’m thinking I should add a “take me to a random page” button. Would be kinda complicated since there are actually two sets of IMAO posts (those done on MoveableType and those done on WordPress), but I’m like a super smart programmer, so I could probably figure it out if I wanted to.

Anyway, entertain me by putting more funny stuff I wrote in the comments! And thanks for supporting IMAO all these years!

Which One’s Crazier?

The following program is brought to you with limited commercial interruption by IMAO Shirts. When you want IMAO-wear to cover your upper torso, choose IMAO Shirts.

Guy Smiley
Hi! I’m Guy Smiley, and welcome to America’s favorite game show…

Which One's Crazier
Which One’s Crazier?

Guy Smiley
Let’s welcome today’s contestants…

Frank J
He’s from Boise, Idaho, and enjoys poking fun at liberals and eating nachos. Welcome Frank J.

Guy Smiley
Frank, what do you do for a living?

Frank J
I punch hippies in their stupid monkey faces. You look like a hippie. Come here, and I’ll punch you!

Guy Smiley
Our next contestant…

All the way from Wisconsin, he likes to play with money. Welcome Harvey.

Guy Smiley
Harvey, where in Wisconsin can we find you?

You can find me in your nightmares, Guy.

Guy Smiley
And, finally…

Our third contestant likes sleeping late and eating. From Columbus, Georgia, welcome Basil.

Guy Smiley
Where do you work, Basil?

You call what I do work? You’re an idiot and need to be beat with a stick. C’mere. Let me get ‘hold to ya.

Guy Smiley
Okay, then. Great. Let’s get started playing Which One’s Crazier?
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