Nuke the News: Now Trapped on Earth

* They’re still arguing about the debt ceiling in D.C. One side wants to destroy the economy in every way possible (they want to raise taxes to suppress jobs — it’s obviously not to raise revenue, because as previous spending proved, the Democrats don’t care about revenue — and also spend, spend with no limit until we collapse under debt) and the other side would rather not destroy everything. Maybe there can be a compromise and we’ll come up with a plan that just knocks us down to a second world nation instead of completely destroying us.

It’s hard not to get a little depressed as the politicians — the dumbest, most useless people in this nation — claim more and more of all the nation’s wealth to fritter away on nothing, so here’s a picture of puppies to cheer us up:

They will starve to death in this economy.

* White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe said, “The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates, or even monthly jobs numbers.” Yeah, they really have to be hoping that voters aren’t into objective measures when determining whether someone should be reelected. Hopefully everyone is like, “I bet Obama smells nice — like freshly cut grass on a golf course. Let’s reelect him.” But if people care about stuff happening to the country, not so good for him.

* Paul Ryan paid $350 for a bottle of wine at a dinner. This is really hypocritical because he paid for expensive wine with his own money while he’s trying to keep all Americans from being forced to pay for crappy entitlements. See… hypocritical.

Some have compared this to John Edwards’s infamous $400 haircut, but there are two main differences:

1. John Edwards used campaign funds to pay for it.
2. It was a haircut — a man paying $400 dollars FOR A HAIRCUT!

* There’s now a new country in Africa: South Sudan. There hasn’t been a great record for countries in Africa so far, but maybe South Sudan will be the first country there that isn’t… you know… awful. I know one way to make sure they get off on the right foot: Ban vuvuzelas.

* Atlantis took off Friday for the final shuttle flight ever. For the first time in decades, America is now incapable of getting people into space. If there is an asteroid headed to earth and we need to blow it up in an Armageddon type scenario, hopefully Russia is on top of that. Of course, Obama has set our path for the future: high-speed trains. Yep, going from space flight to trains. Along with our economy, our society is in complete retrograde. Next we’ll be living in huts and working on high-speed horse and buggy.

* Neat find from James Taranto (last item): Basically, social scientists found that conservatives do they same processing as liberals when thinking on an issue, but then do some additional processing to get to the conservative conclusion. They proved this by showing that if you strained a conservative so he wasn’t able to think, he’d come to the same conclusion as liberals. So basically, if a conservative can’t think, he ends up like a liberal… while I guess liberals just don’t think all the time. This doesn’t give us a solution, though, because we can’t force liberals to think, but since we’ve now made this an issue of science, we can lock liberals up in cages and inject them with stuff for further study… like a study on how the debt and economy will be effected if all liberals were locked up in cages and injected with stuff. Science!

* Wisdom of the Day: “‘Zookeeper belongs right up there with Zoolander!’ -someone alphabetizing DVDs at Blockbuster in a few months, and no one else” –Sean Thomason

* Thanks again to everyone who donated a dollar for IMAO’s 9th blogiversary. I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart: You are not thieves.

Random Thoughts

“WARNING: Contents may explode when blown up with dynamite.”

Noticed the UK has something called “Summer Bank Holiday”. Too lazy to even come up with a pretense for getting a day off.

Guess we’re done with space now. Our future is high-speed rail. That’s right: Trains!

How old does Buttercup have to be before she can describe me to others as “cold and aloof”?

Obama 2012: “I did stuff to the economy.”

Obama is losing to a generic Republican in polls. How’s he polling versus a rock with googly eyes on it?

I had a pretty good childhood for the parts that weren’t spent stuck down a well.

Remember to also love your enemies, especially if your enemy is Catwoman.

Apparently Betty Ford started drinking heavily after Carter was elected. Did that make her different from any other U.S. Citizen?

If you’re an American who responds to class warfare attacks, please murder yourself to help the economy.

Was watching the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix. It’s like what liberals in the 80s thought the future would be like.

Opinion seems to be that Star Trek: The Next Generation stopped being stupid when Riker grew a beard.

So Flashpoint is SWAT in Canada? What conflicts do they deal with? Maple syrup smugglers?

$350 for wine? That must come in a really fancy box.

I once paid $5 for a bottle of Budweiser while in NYC. That seems even dumber that $350 wine.

If you ever accidentally drop proof into pudding, the defense will have it thrown out.

I won’t waste my time is a museum of “fine” arts. I only like “good” and “very good” arts.

If you’re elected president, do they have an XBox at the White House or do you have to bring your own?

Good rule of thumb is that you’ve become neglectful on weeding when they’re taller than you.

Yeah, I think at this point its less “weeding” and more “deforestation”.