Adding to the List

…of names that Doug Urbanski has called Obama:

“Every Republican has got to ask Obama why, WHY would he cut Social Security first…This man – who accuses the other side of being ideologues – he’s behaving as the Blackmailer-in-Chief. Like a gangster. Old Chicago-style politics. What a disgrace for the Oval Office…”

Audio clip here.

Also a few recent quotes that amused me:

“Obama keeps losing all these people on the margins – unions, seniors, blacks, hispanics, gays. If he keeps losing enough of the margins, there’ll be nothing left in the middle of the page.”

“Liberals say anything other than the words they mean, which is ‘increase taxes’. So they’re trying to create and win a public relations debate using heated, skewed, inaccurate rhetoric because Republicans have managed to turn the word ‘taxes’ into a dirty word.”

“This woman, Susan Feinberg, decides to confront Paul Ryan – a stranger – over his choice of wine. This rude, nasty, hectoring, pestering, mean, petty woman is the left encapsulated in one person.”
[reference link]

“Dare I say it? To a progressive husband and wife like the Ryan-stalking Feinbergs, trying to embarrass a Republican qualifies as a romantic evening. It’s better than sex for them.”

And we FINALLY got comments enabled on the site, so feel free to stop over & leave some encouragement. Assuming you hate-filled right-wing nutjobs actually approve of Doug’s vitriolic thoughtcrimes.

UPDATE: Per the comments, I forgot one of Crabby Old Bat’s favorites:

“For those of you who are surprised at how monumentally this President has failed – Why? When you elect a clown, should you be surprised when a circus breaks out?”

Nuke the News: Convenient to Read on Your Couch

* If Obama doesn’t get his job-killing tax hikes as part of the debt deal, he’s threatening to not send seniors their Social Security checks. So let him further murder the economy, or old people will die! I don’t even get why he’s holding such a hard line on job killing tax hikes considering how willing he’s been to spend regardless of tax revenue before. All he wants is the debt ceiling raised so he can start recklessly spending some more, so why insist on job destruction? Maybe its just hatred of this country, but maybe he’s just trying to spoil the deal because he wants to hurt old people. Maybe this is all about lingering hatred for his typical white grandmother.

Or maybe my problem is that I’m trying to put some sort of logic behind Obama’s actions. Maybe the guy has gone mental. I mean, he’s a small man in a big job, and maybe the pressure has finally gotten to him. We always thought he was just making up straw men for his speeches to be dumbly partisan, but maybe he’s actually hallucinating these made up people arguing with him. Wait a second… what does his teleprompter he’s been reading off of actually say…

Oh no. OH NO! It’s just ‘All work and no play makes Barry a dull boy’ written over and over! Where is Obama? Is someone keeping an eye on him? Wait? What’s that sound?


* Senator McConnell has announced his fallback plan where Obama and the Democrats would have the power to raise the debt ceiling themselves. Then Democrats would have to own raising the debt ceiling and Republicans could wash their hands of it. But, on the other hand, DEMOCRATS WOULD BE ABLE TO RAISE THE DEBT CEILING THEMSELVES!

If we really want to get this country on track, it’s all about giving these people less power, not more. The best government of all would have these people with nothing but a couple bucks to spend and they’d use all their time arguing whether lunch should be at Arby’s or Taco John’s.

* Ron Paul will not run for reelection, instead he’s opting to focus on his presidential run. So what should Ron Paul do after he loses the presidential race (since he’s a nutter and his supporters are super-nutters)? I’m thinking he should use all that enthusiasm he’s made for himself to start a business — maybe like an arts and crafts store where he sells ribbons, thread, googly eyes in bulk, and such. And he should call the store “RON PAUL!” Then all his followers can get on every bboard and every blog comment section and spam about how great RON PAUL! is… maybe even going door to door screaming “RON PAUL!” They could even have a nice slogan for the store: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they buy your multi-colored construction paper at its everyday low low price!”

* Amazon is striking back against the new tax law in California by sponsoring a ballot initiative to repeal it. So it will be contest of who is more popular: California’s government or That’s too easy. Let’s try another one – Who is more popular: California’s government or pedophiles.

* Electronic Arts has acquired PopCap games for $750 million. I’m hoping we’ll see some synergy between the two, like maybe a Madden vs. Zombies game.

* Netflix is having a big price hike. Instead of $9.99 for unlimited streaming plus one DVD at a time, it will be $7.99 for unlimited streaming and another $7.99 for one DVD at a time. I kinda wonder if they’re just trying to scare more people off of DVDs since they really just want to focus on streaming (in other countries where Netflix has launched, they don’t even do DVDs). Considering how long our DVDs from Netflix sit around versus streaming we watch, we’ll probably just drop getting DVDs. DVDs are so low tech anyway; I mean to watch one you have to get up off the couch and find it and then put it in the DVD player like you’re some caveman. With streaming, you just stay there relaxed on the couch and select what you want to watch. And if we really want to see a new release, we can rent through Amazon and also still stay on the couch. Someday, in the future, we’ll never have to leave the couch — unless we want to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no man has gone before… but from the state of our space program, I’m pretty sure we don’t want to do that. Couch is where the future is!

* Interesting story from Russia: A man tries to rob a salon, and then the 28-year-old female owner — who is a black belt — knocks him out with one kick. Neat so far, huh? Well, then the woman ties the robber up naked, feeds him nothing but Viagra, and keeps him as a sex slave for three days to teach him a lesson. I don’t know what to say that other than vigilante justice in real life is always quite different from Batman.

* Wisdom of the Day: “Democrats: The ‘I Can’t Be Overdrawn, I’ve Still Got Checks Left’ Party.” –Crusty Burgerhead

* Obama is still in my house, BTW. He’s eating all my Reese’s Peanut Buttercups and he won’t leave. I mean, I haven’t come out and told him to leave — that would just be rude — but I’ve heavily implied I’d like him to go. Guy will not take a hint.

Random Thoughts

I notice I still have Gmail invites. Are there people still waiting to get on Gmail?

So Obama is threatening to starve seniors unless we give him job-killing tax hikes?

So is the idea of the McConnell plan that Dems would be able to raise debt limit themselves… and I guess shoulder all the responsibility? Seems more like smart political maneuvering than actually getting debt under control.

Rich people don’t need entitlements. Why should they pay for them?

So is Netflix trying to make more money, or is it trying to chase people off of physical DVDs? I guess those aren’t mutually exclusive…

Someone was trying to argue to me that Social Security is a good, conservative idea. I’m right to dismiss the guy as a concern troll, right?

I don’t know what is exactly the sine qua non of conservatism, but to argue how great a deal Social Security is for everybody seems a little too far off.