Feeding The Queue Monster

Sit back. We’re going to talk a little shop. Then we’re going to play a game.

Once upon a time, way back when Frank J. first started doing his blog thing, things were simpler. Not just in the world we live in, but in the world of blogging. Then, people discovered how to spam blogs using comments. And, some people were simply asses and left naughty comments.

So, blogs started using spam filters. Some worked really poorly, and others worked even worse. And, depending on what platform you used — Blogger, MovableType, WordPress, or something else — you either had no option, or limited options.

Today, though, things are a lot better. And most blogs that run WordPress — including IMAO — use Automattic’s spam filter Akismet. But WordPress has customizable settings that can affect how and if comments post.
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Nuke the News: Not Yet Taxed

* So the U.S. defaulting is supposed to be super bad. Well, there is the possibility of a temporary deal out there that will prevent default… though that means this whole debate will come up again in 2012 when it will be super inconvenient to point out once more how Obama can’t control his spending. Anyway, Obama has said absolutely no to a deal that doesn’t get him past the election. So Jake Tapper called WH Press Secretary Jay Carney on this, asking whether default is really preferable to a deal that only goes to 2012. Carney said he couldn’t say which was worse… though couldn’t explain how a temporary deal was so horrible.

This is a lie of course. The truth from Carney would be, “Of course we would rather have a default than a temporary deal that doesn’t go to 2013, because a temporary deal would hurt Obama’s election chances, and hurting Obama politically is way worse than default. It’s way worse that the country getting nuked. Obama would rather a 9/11 style catastrophe every single day until November rather than lose power. I want to look the American people in the eye and make this clear: We would rather see you all dead and dying than give up power.” To which I hope Jake Tapper’s response would be, “Thank you for you candor.”

* A generic Republican is now 8 points ahead of Obama in the latest Gallup poll. Like I’ve said before, we need to get a guy in a Mexican wrestler’s mask (might help appeal to Latinos) and run him as “The Unnamed Republican”. Is there anywhere in the Constitution that the president has to be identified? Probably, but whatever — that can just be interpreted away.

* Pelosi compared Obama to Job. People seemed to assume she meant Job from the Bible, but maybe it was Gob Bluth from Arrested Development because that actually really fits. I mean he was inept at everything yet was very arrogant and extremely entitled. And he rode around on a dorky scooter. Actually, I don’t think I’ll be able to see Gob Bluth again without thinking Obama. “Really, Cantor, you’re going to tell the guy in a $5000 suit what to do about the debt? Come on!”

Actually, it would be pretty awesome if instead of playing “Hail to the Chief” when Obama entered the room, they instead put on “The Final Countdown.”

* San Diego is thinking about getting a cat tax. Basically, you’ll have to register your cat and pay money to the government. Needless to say, an idea like this could bankrupt crazy cat ladies everywhere.

So how does someone come up with something like this? Are they just sitting around brainstorming “What haven’t we taxed yet?” Or maybe it was more of an emotional thing. One guy was just tired of having to scold his cat for scratching the furniture for the umpteenth time and finally yelled, “That’s it! I’m taxing you! You’re taxed!”

* I saw Google News has added a new thing: Badges. You read enough news in a subject, you level up your badge. So, by reading enough news you could have like a bronze badge in the Middle East, a silver in the Economy, and a gold in politics and such. Actually, all they’ve given me is a video game badge so far. I’m not really sure what the point is and how that will affect the news when I increase my rank, but I better go level it up just in case.

* Here’s an image of the Spider-man costume from the new Spider-man movie:

Since this is going to be a reboot and thus start with an origin story again, does that mean we’re going to get a long scene of Peter Parker dying and sewing together a bunch of basketballs to make his costume? I mean, it looks like his costume was made to solve the problem of bad guys not being able to get a good grip on him.

* Think Progress had a funny tweet: “Today’s GOP makes George W. Bush look positively moderate”. What would be like the equivalent from us? “Today’s Democrats makes Joe Lieberman look positively moderate.” Anyway, just more evidence that liberals don’t understand conservatism enough to rage against it accurately. I think they just define conservatism as “whatever I currently hate”. The current is important; that’s how George W. Bush can be Satan one day and then the “good one” when he’s no longer a political threat. On the other hand, conservatives actually have a coherent philosophy that isn’t just about mindless partisanship — which is exactly why liberals have a lot of trouble understanding it.

* So what do you guys think of this feature so far? It takes me a while and leaves no time for any other posts, but I kind of like it. So how are you guys liking it? Whoever tell me they like it the most wins… HIGH PRAISE!

Random Thoughts

Has Palin ever said anything dumber than Obama’s “Don’t call my bluff.”?

Did Pelosi compare Obama to Gob Bluth? I can see that.

So Sen. Reid is threatening to blow up schools if he can’t raise taxes?

Rumor has it that Obama will finally apologize for his presidency at his press conference this morning.

Obama likes to be the smartest one in the room, which is why he hates it so much when squirrels sneak in through an open window.

Liberals are very conservative about conservatives. It’s always the conservatives of yesteryear who were the good, reasonable ones.

I think conservatives are much more consistent in despising liberals of the past and present.