Anchors Aweigh!

Frank J’s always going on about how he wants the Army to have dinosaurs with rocket launchers to protect American freedom and as an added bonus kill foreigners.

Which, as a good patriotic American, I’m all for, but as a Navy veteran, I feel… overlooked. Granted, since the Soviet Union fell apart, and they were really the last country with an actual navy, there’s not much for the US Navy to do. I mean, other than play tag (as seen in Fred Thompson’s documentary, “The Hunt for Red October“).

Sadly, the Navy has withered away to a sad collection of floating airports & missile silos. Hell, our last real naval battle consisted of us giving the Iranian navy dirty looks until half of it sank due to flooding from the collective pants-wetting of its crews.

But all that is about to change. I bring you the new glory days of the US Navy…

Dinosaurs with rocket launchers… riding sharks:

Keith Olbermann: The Lost Months

New Crowder video guest staring Hannah Giles, Michelle Malkin, and Andrew Breitbart. Did you wonder what happened with Olbermann between when he left MSNBC and sorta returned to the air with Current TV? Neither did I; I was just happy not to be bothered with him. But here it is anyway: