The Queue Monster was fed

Friday night, we spent some time talking about how the ins and outs of the spam filters worked, and we tried something different. We actually tried to get caught in the moderation queue. And we made a game out of it.

Of the 100+ comments left, 44 were moderated.

MarkoMancuso got a total of 60 points. He found 5 words on the naughty list, and came up with 11 variations on those. Jimmy and MarkoMancuso each submitted a single comment that earned 15 points.

HIGH PRAISE to each! And a heartfelt thanks to all who played!

Now, what did we learn?

We learned that if we want to act like a bunch of 12-year-old kids, we can. And that it’s easier for some than for others to act that way.

We also learned that we don’t always know what’s going to get caught in moderation. When we don’t want to get moderated, we sometimes do; when we want to get moderated, we don’t always get moderated.

We saw how things that aren’t naughty and don’t look naughty can be flagged as naughty anyway.

Will we use what we’ve learned? Probably not.

Can we use what we’ve learned? Absolutely! And we can go through the Harvey-Frank-Basil cycle of dealing with liberals.

When dealing with liberals, we can choose our words carefully, as Harvey does. That gives us an advantage when dealing with them. If we improve the number and quality of words we can use, it’ll shut them up.

If it doesn’t, it’ll make them really angry. Then they’ll call you a racist. That’s when you can punch them in the face, as Frank commonly suggests. And that should end the discussion.

But, just in case it doesn’t, and they come back at you, do what I do: beat ’em with a stick. That’ll shut ’em up. If it doesn’t, get a bigger stick. And hit harder.

See? Use what you learn here and you can’t go wrong.