Nuke the News: Beware Job-Killing Strawmen

* So Obama had a press conference Friday, and it was pretty pointless — so he’s got a perfect record so far on that. One odd thing he said though was that 80% of people support tax hikes. Really? 80% of people are looking at what we have going on in the economy and saying, “We sure need our taxes raised to fix this!” Obama is always arguing against strawmen — made up opponents who exist only in his imagination — and now I guess he’s using made up statistics to defeat them.

But that wasn’t even the craziest thing he said. He also referred to “job-killing tax cuts”. Really? Tax cuts kill jobs? Well, Obama has never worked in an actual job, so maybe in his ignorance and fear of people who do useful things for a living he thinks tax cuts somehow lead to unemployment. “Yay! More tax cuts for the rich! That means more money for me to bury in the backyard and do nothing with! Why don’t I celebrate by firing people!” Of course, Obama’s own personal experience with rich people is, “Wow, another year of accomplishing absolutely nothing. I should write another memoir about it.”

* Obama says we don’t need a balanced budget amendment, because, you know, he’s doing such a great job of balancing the budget on his own.

AMERICAN PEOPLE: “Hey, Obama, we want you to balance the budget.”

OBAMA: “Okay. Here you go. It’s balanced.”

AMERICAN PEOPLE: “Um… this still raises the deficit.”

OBAMA: “I don’t get your point.”

AMERICAN PEOPLE: “Do you even know what a balanced budget is?”

OBAMA: “I reject the false choice between…”


Doesn’t look like we have much hope of Republicans doing it either because they always get too timid. I think the main difference between the two parties was that if there existed a button that one could press to balance the budget and make all the hard cuts need to reduce the government with no political backlash, one party one press it and the other would seal it in concrete and sink in the sea.

* According to a poll, 73% of Palestinians agree that Jews should be killed wherever they hide. Let’s give those people a state! Seriously, but can’t we make it more of a penal colony… like some isolated island they can’t get off of and only have birds and the occasional sea turtle to blow up? Just coming up with a peaceful solution, people, and when the problem involves people okay with murder, peace means isolating them away from others.

* Shelia Jackson Lee accused that the debt-ceiling debate is all about racism. Isn’t this like a modern day minstrel show these people who come on TV and accuse absolutely everything of being about racism? It’s nothing but laughable to 90% of the population now. So who is it that keeps electing Shelia Jackson Lee so she can publicly make a buffoon of her self? Must be people who really hate black people.

* Here’s some suggesting that that JFK was the worst president of the 20th century. That’s a pretty different perspective since liberals adore because they have all this folklore built up around him and conservatives tolerate him since he accepted the idea of raising revenue by lowering taxes. Plus everyone gives him some leeway for being shot in the head. Still, looking at the rest of his relatives, they’re not only people who shouldn’t have been in power, they shouldn’t have been mixing with the general population at all.

As for worst president of the 21st century, though, Obama looks to already be setting a pretty low bar for someone in the future to have to limbo under to win the title. Best president is pretty wide open, still. You just have to be better than George W. — which was way too high of a mountain to climb for Obama. Anyone want to try for that?

* So our women lost to Japan’s women at soccer, which is all the more depressing because it’s a women’s sport. It was 120 minutes with four goals (which is a lot for soccer), followed by an extremely anti-climactic shootout (not the cool kind with revolvers) that settled the matter in a couple pointless minutes. Still, if we had won the World Cup, I think that only would have extended American interest in the sport by about ten minutes, so I thought I’d give some suggestions to make the sport more interesting to Americans:

– Have the clock tick down instead of up — like it’s a real sport.

– Have Madden be a commentator. “Japan is trying to score a goal on the Americans; they’re going to want to stop that.”

– Since they can’t use their hands to move the ball, go ahead and put weapons in them.

How would you make soccer more interesting? Best answer wins… HIGH PRAISE!

* As for HIGH PRAISE for praising Nuke the News I reward it to Mxymaster who said:

I love Nuke the News so much that I love it even more than ice cream, and I love ice cream so much that I would eat it for every meal if I could, that I would eat ice cream in church if the pastor didn’t get all huffy, that I would eat a piece of newspaper off the subway floor with the words “ice cream” written on them and enjoy it. That’s how much I love Nuke the News. And ice cream.

I also like ice cream!

Myxmaster, you are the representation of all the potential man has.

Also, just for the heck of it, I’m going to award more HIGH PRAISE to Bantha_Fodder:

You’re the most awesomeness, Bantha_Fodder!

* Behold the 3D printer:

Good to know we’re making steady progress towards having Star Trek type replicators.

Random Thoughts

I assume the reason there are no debt ceiling negotiations on Friday is because they were all going to see the new Harry Potter movie.

Know which Harry Potter character Obama reminds me of? Percy.

So has anyone ever bothered to inform electronics manufacturers that if you have a fat plug it can block other outlets?

Stoopid Palin; “un” and “de” cancel each other out. Her movie should just be called “Feated”.

A commenter insulted my intelligence but said I have “Chutes Bah”. Is that an alien from Star Wars?

If the US defaults on its loans, all of Congress and the president will be sent to debtors prison. IT WILL BE AWESOME!

Movie theater concessions must be what buying food is like in Europe.

“Do you have a Regal Club card?”
“No. I like to live off the grid.”

HARRY POTTER SPOILER: Snapes last words were: “Five points… from Gryffindor…”

For broadcast of soccer in America, can’t they just humor us and have the clock tick down?

Also, the could have Madden as a commentator to make it more interesting to Americans.

I’d say “anti-climactic” for the end of the Women’s World Cup, but that doesn’t properly express the level of buffoonery.

Well, Japan will appreciate the win more than we would, most of us not even knowing the World Cup was going on.

Horrible Bosses was very funny, but I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone who doesn’t like raunch. So I wouldn’t have recommended it for me.

Mosques seems like a separate issue from religious freedom because you don’t usually worry about churches being full of terrorists. But they’re not. Just wish we had a bit more extremism intolerance when it came to Islam. Hurts good Muslims when we tolerate bad. Like the guys behind the Ground Zero mosque; they had enough extremism links that they should have been shunned from polite society.