Harvey’s Random Thoughts

Michelle Malkin said that DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is “Alan Grayson in heels”. So… basically she’s Barney Frank?

The Federal Election Commission voted to require former Democrat Senator John Edwards to repay $2.3 million in federal matching campaign funds. Poor guy. That’s like a dozen haircuts for him.

Nuke the News: Taunting the Almighty

* Still no debt deal, and at this point I’m like, “Fine. Let’s just default.” How are we going to get them to stop spending unless we just take away the option to spend more? Sure it’s going to be scary and painful, but that’s just what real change is. It’s either this painful process or continue to hobble along as we ignore the problem and get worse and worse and worse.

Oh, everyone’s voting “hobble along.”

* Harry Reid has called Cut, Cap, and Balance the “perhaps some of the worst legislation in the history of this country.” Worse than laws allowing slavery? Of course it’s worse since those laws weren’t a personal affront to him making sure doddering fools spouting gibberish have less money and power. Again, I ask, what is this guy doing having any sway over the country and its prosperity? If he so loves power, can’t we put him charge of the activities committee at a nursing home or something?

* Obama prayed for a solution to the debt crisis. So basically he’s just taunting God now to smite him. I don’t think God will do it, though; He doesn’t want to get accused of racism.

* Obama lost $1.3 billion in bailing out Chrysler, and all I can think is that, compared to his other colossal blunders, that’s not that much. It’s way on the lower end of colossal. Might even instead be on the upper end of huge blunders. Makes you wonder what it would be like to have a president who only made huge blunders instead of colossal ones. What an impossible dream.

* Here’s the CEO of Home Depot answering a question about what he would say if he could sit down with Obama and talk about job creation:

I’m not sure Obama would understand anything that I’d say, because he’s never really worked a day outside the political or legal area. He doesn’t know how to make a payroll, he doesn’t understand the problems businesses face. I would try to explain that the plight of the businessman is very reactive to Washington. As Washington piles on regulations and mandates, the impact is tremendous. I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I just think he has no knowledge of this.

This is a theme we’re really going to have to hit in 2012: Obama is a complete know-nothing to everything important to this nation right now. If the biggest problem facing the country right now was people needed help on using teleprompters, President Obama would be right there to save the day. But with the actual problems we’re dealing with, the guy is less than useless. The best he could do is stay out of the way… which is asking far too much of him.

* Best of the Web has a pretty good take down of a Deepak Chopra opinion piece. I don’t know much about Chopra other than a) He has a ridiculous name. b) His political writing are the absolute dumbest I’ve ever seen in a major publications. Just complete utter garbage where he’s super right about everything and anyone who disagrees with him is evil and mean. Literally, a four-year-old could write with more nuance. Apparently his day job though is “New Age media personality”. I hope that means someone who sits in a booth and people pay to throw pies at him. If this guy actually hands out advice or something… wow, watch out for that.

* The Pentagon says it’s now ready to let gays openly serve in the military. I can’t help but wonder how this will go over in the Middle East. Already, our military is not supposed to have Christian symbols so as not to offend people and they ask women soldiers to cover their hair. So are gays going to get the instructions, “So as not to offend people in the Middle East, try not to be quite so openly gay.”? You know, they execute people for that there. Maybe this will get the ire of the gay lesbian activists (there are gay lesbians now?) and we’ll finally do what we should have done a long time ago: Tell people in the Middle East their culture is stupid and we’re not going to respect it. Of course, the gay lesbian activist only ever seem interested in pestering people who think gay marriage is silly and missing the point. As for Muslims who want to kill homosexuals, not so much their concern.

* John Hawkins has a follow up post on how independent, conservative blogs are doomed — DOOMED! Maybe I need to help IMAO by focusing more on a niche. I could be the go to political blogger for when the subject is astronomy or nuclear weapons. Or maybe I just need to join a bigger blog. Any bigger blog want to hire me? I’m very expensive… but you get free HIGH PRAISE for taking me on.

* Wisdom of the Day: “Makes you wonder what the national job situation would be without governors like Walker, Perry, Christie, etc., doesn’t it?” –Nathan Wurtzel

* Instead of just complaining, I thought I’d come up with some solutions, so here’s my three part plan to clean up the government:

1) Send all the politicians in DC to prison.
2) Make whining no longer a protected form of speech and punishable by deportation.
3) Fire.

Nice and simple. Maybe I should run on it. What’s your three part plan to clean up the government? I don’t want any four part plans as that’s too many parts. If your plan has only two parts, you’re only fooling yourself if you think that’s enough parts to clean up government. Best three part plan wins… HIGH PRAISE… and possibly saves the nation.

Random Thoughts

So do the billionaires and millionaires everyone whines about owe more money than they have in debt or is that just Congress?

So the Dem response to “We can’t keep spending like this forever” is “Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!”?

If it were me, I’d come back with a proposal to lower the debt ceiling.

That’s it; let’s just go ahead and default. It will be exciting!

True change is painful and scary.

Usually it’s tax increases with promises of spending cuts that never come true. The opposite would be nice.