Wall Street Shenanigans!

Since I’m not posting anything, here’s Crowder on the debt ceiling and wall street bailout:

It’s Friday!

It’s Friday! You know what that means? It means I’m still on vacation and am not going to write a post.

But you commenters have done a great job of entertaining yourself, so I’d give you a fresh post to work with. One of you can comment “First!” to it and get that great “I’m first” feeling.

And I hear Obama just gave another speech! Did he solve everything with it?

And also I heard someone was caught plotting to attack Ft. Hood. Was he Norwegian? I’ve expected a big Norwegian backlash, but I’ve been the only one beating them up lately.

And most importantly, in video game news, Nintendo has announced a huge price drop (more than 30%) in the 3DS already, so I guess they botched that. At least for being a sucker who already bought it, I get to be an “ambassador” — just like John Bolton! Yay!