9th Blogiversary Tomorrow – You Owe Me a Dollar!

Yes, IMAO will turn nine tomorrow and enter its 10th year of blogging excellence. Can you believe it’s been nine years? If you can’t, go find the date of the first post on IMAO and compare it to today’s date. Math skills may be required. Anyway, I’m busy tomorrow (it’s a Saturday) so I didn’t know if I’d be able to post then, so I’m posting now.

So what does the ninth blogiversary mean? Well, I looked up the rules, and it means that anyone I ever made laugh owes me a dollar. So, if anything at IMAO ever made you laugh, you need to go the left sidebar, find that PayPal donation button, and send me a dollar. If you don’t, then you’re a thief (I don’t make the rules). And if I never made you laugh, then sending a dollar is optional (though still encouraged). Any and all proceeds from this will go to the Get the Flemings Out of Debt Fund — a good cause I personally feel very strongly for. Oh, and some money may go towards getting Buttercup more hats (BABIES NEED HATS!!!).

So, what are your favorite IMAO memories from the past nine years? Or if your brain’s pretty addled, you can just say your favorite IMAO memories from the past couple days. Or maybe even earlier today. What did you think of that Crowder video?


  1. My favorite IMAO memory has to be In My World, especially tales of the Rumsfeld Strangler. As a general rule I don’t approve of stranglers but he seemed pretty OK. I wonder if his identity will ever be known.

  2. Dance for your dollar, rummie!
    “Buffalo gals won’t you come out tonight…”

    I can’t remember what the funniest moment was because memory has absolutely nothing at all to do with laughing. It’s an “in the moment” thing. Some things do stand out though. Like the Spambot posts. Your attempts at MS Paint. The subtle differences between cute fluffy things and Fred Thompsons’ death-fist of total annihilation. (There’s no talk of ronin now like there was when I first came by. Not that it mattered.) The loltrzts pics are always a hoot. And the Random Thoughts posts are always a must-read. Frank Reads The News is right up there with Random, which is a good thing.

  3. # 5 reminds me that the April 1st 2007 Carnival of the Cats post was just possibly the funniest thing ever. Probably not, but your audience is largely made up of people who either love or are weirded out by cats. Especially DamnCats avatar.

  4. Favorite moment:

    “I call this trial to order!” said the judge of the Hague, “Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is charged with high crime of illegal fence buildery and being a Jew where he’s not wanted. President George Bush is charged with accessory to being a Jew. How do you plead?”

    And the whole of that episode of In My World.

  5. I can’t remember the very best (Corona is correct, laughter is “in the moment”), but “Here’s bullets for your face!” is worth a buck. More hats for Buttercup!

  6. When I first started reading here in the summer of 2007, you had started making those Romney campaign videos and I died swallowing my tongue right there. Then came your Olbermann spoof and my monitor was covered in spittle. Since then, I’ve gone through eight keyboards and two monitors (coffee, coke, beer, scotch and yes, even some unknown liquid from the abyss). So you owe ME, Frank, for all the computer damage!

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  7. You made a liar out of a bunch of folks @ the 6 month anniversary. 9 years, time goes fast when your having fun, your blog has contributed a lot to that chronological dyslexia.


  8. What if the funniest thing I read here actually came from a link to an article you wrote for PJTV? Should I give them a dollar?

    Even without the cool T-shirt, which is excellent for riding, I vote for the Nuke the Moon essay, but if this is another contest, I’m gonna wait to see what Bantha says.

  9. When you stopped picking on Aquaman and started picking on Sub-Mariner with his teh ghey little feetie wings. Oh, wait, you haven’t done that. I’m keeping my dollar and buying a new car.

  10. Ehhhhhh look! I’d like to help! I really would. But let’s face it. I’m a middle class taxpayer. I just can’t afford another dollar. Between having to pay my taxes, my house payment, my car payment, my utilities, my food bill, my cable bill, and of course my beer bill…I just don’t have an extra dollar to send you. Look why don’t we compromise…you send me a dollar! Just don’t tell anyone, I don’t want to get jacked into a higher tax bracket.

  11. It says on the side, by the donate option, that “giving money to Frank J. makes you happy” which I think is a bit of deceitful trickery! When I’m happy I laugh, and if I laugh because of something here I have to give Frank another dollar. So if I give a dollar in the first place it makes me happy, which makes me laugh, then I have to give another dollar, which probably will make me more happy, and thus giving more dollars! It’s a vicious unending cycle that has the potential of making Obamacare look tame! Would this be called FrankCare? 😮

  12. Do you accept Canadian money? Or maybe an IOU for Canadian money? How bout a general feeling or a momentary notion of one day sending that Canadian dollar? Like if I were to get around to possibly having a notion like that.

    I’m almost there.

  13. I have laughed many many times over the years. Unfortunately, my wife and I are currently stalled in debt negotiation talks and are about to hit our debt limit. She feels that more spending on “sale items” will help grow the savings account. I refuse to increase my taxes paid to the government because I don’t see them stepping in to help ole’ ussjimmycarter. All they do is run their fat yaps. So, I shall have to issue you an IOU which I have put in a lock-box! You can bet on receiving it as much as I am betting on getting a social security check! Hey, I didn’t study high finance in college, so I’m just following the pros in our gobmit!

    Happy Anniversary and Bantha_Fodder blows!

  14. Is this like a birthday? Do we get cake and ice cream and get to sing Happy Birthday?

    Or is it like a polygamous marriage anniversary between Frank and his commenters? (In which case, we’re all his many wives. Ewwww!!)

    I have to go on record as saying that if I had $1 for every time a commenter made me laugh, I’d be taking an expensive vacation right now. Most of the time, there’s no way to know if one’s comment is funny because the feedback here is minimal. So, new readers should know that: don’t feel bad if no one reacts to your comment! Besides, it might also suck.

  15. My favorites include In My World (Noisy Neighbors) and News Fakery (Obama to negotiate with wildfires), and that thing Basil does with photographs and dialogue. And at least 5 IMAO Reader Theater videos… yeah, those are my favorites.

    Seriously, If I hadn’t had an outlet like IMAO to remind me that I’m not the only person who sees the crap tsunami coming our way I would have despaired.
    But now that I’ve been introduced to the concept of ‘The Funniest End of the World Ever’ I can see the humorous side of going to h*ll in a hand-basket!
    Reading the posts and comments at IMAO have been better (and a lot cheaper) for me than years of therapy.
    I can’t award you High Praise, but how about Sincere Thanks?

  16. Frank,
    I loved IMAO from the first time I read your essay on Nuke the Moon. But honestly, I’m so easily entertained, I’ve laughed out loud too many times to count. My favorites are those telling of your experience as a new father. Priceless. And Sarah K. rocks.

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